Academic Programmes
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Dr. M. Periyasamy, Currently working as Principal in Syed Ammal Engineering, Ramanathapuram, He has obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Alagappa Chettiar College of Engineering and Technology, Karaikudi in 1995 and completed his Master of Engineering in Control and Instrumentation from College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University, Chennai in 1998. He has completed his Ph.D in the specialization of Electromagnetic Interference from Anna University, Chennai in 2015. He has more than 20 years of teaching experience and out of which he has served in the Syed Ammal Engineering College for more than 18 years in various capacities such as Senior Lecturer, Assistant Professor and Professor. He was the Vice Principal of this college for the past 18 years.

As a passionate teacher, he was very fond of teaching the subjects like Digital Signal Processing, Signals and Systems, Control Systems, Circuit Theory, Transmission Lines and Wave Guides, Medical Electronics, Wireless Communication, Electromagnetic Fields, Microprocessor and Microcontrollers, Digital Electronics and Antennas and Wave Propagation. During his tenure he has received many accolades for producing good results in University Examinations.

As a Vice Principal of this college for the past 18 years, he played active role in development of the college in various aspects. He organized student symposiums, Faculty Development Programmes, Seminars and Workshops for students and faculty members. He took active role in organizing four IEEE conferences held in the college in 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016. He was the convener of the various committees formed in Syed Ammal Engineering College. He has played key role in obtaining NBA accreditation for four branches in 2017. He established IEEE students chapter, IETE students and staff chapter and Tamil Sangam. He was the convener for conduction of Graduation Day and College Day functions in the college for the past 18 years.

He organized two Anna University Sponsored Faculty Training Development Programmes for the subjects Control System Engineering and Signal and Systems. He acted as Nodal Ambassador for Smart India Hackathon - 2017 nominated by AICTE Southern Region.

He has keen interest in research in the fields of Electromagnetic Interference from cell phones and their base stations, utilization of RFID systems in healthcare system and marine environment. He is the recognized supervisor in Anna University in Electrical and Electronics Engineering discipline. He has published 16 publications in various Journals and Conferences. He is the regular reviewer for IEEE, Springer and ACES journals. He is the Life Member of IETE, ISTE, Electromagnetic Society of India and Member of IEEE, IEEE PSES Society, IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society and IEEE Communication Society.

He strongly believes in team work, ethics and moral values. He desires that every individual should give equal importance to family and profession for the betterment of the individual concerned and nation.

Responsibility & Authority:
  • Principal is an ex-official member of the governing council.
  • Formulation of strategic planning for the expeditious implementation is the responsibility of the Principal.
  • To ensure that the quality policy & objective is implemented and maintained.
  • To define and approve the college Quality Objectives and to ensure that the policy is understood, implemented and maintained.
  • He is authorized to take decision on all college related activities in consultation with Secretary and Correspondent.
  • He assists the Secretary in the administrative activities.
  • To approve Quality System Procedures, Quality System Manual and documents as Top Management.
  • Responsible to explore the possibilities of introduction of new courses.
  • Responsible for planning and implementing various welfare measures for faculty, staff and students.
  • To approve and change IQA plan and MRM plan
  • Principal is responsible for the conduct of all academic activities, which include
    • To define the responsibility and authority of all teaching and non-teaching staff.
    • To conduct HODs meeting periodically regarding the academic matters/monitoring
    • To define the Quality Objectives in line with the Quality Policy and monitoring it periodically.
    • Initiate corrective measures to be carried out within the time limit.
    • Respond positively to all queries on the operational effectiveness of the quality management system.
    • To make everything available for certification and surveillance audits.
    • To respond readily to all quality improvement programmes.
    • Responsible for procurement activities for the various requirements of the Institution.
    • Responsible for student admission as per the norms in consultation with Secretary/Correspondent.
    • Working towards fulfilling the requirements to obtain ISO 9001, NBA for all courses offered.
    • To collaborate with the management in policy making and decision making on goal achievement and to prepare a master plan to transform the college as a center of excellence in a green campus.
    • Adhering the norms of University, Director of Technical Education (DOTE) and All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE).
    • Setting priorities for short term and long-term goals.
    • Marching towards the Quality Policy, with prime importance to specific objectives, discipline and quality education.
    • Training and appraising faculty members and managing curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
    • Standardize and Streamline all the procedures to implement Quality Management System.
    • Establish global contacts with industries, institutions, research and development Organizations, leading to MOU.
  • Appreciate the worthy task, by the students and staff synergy.
    • To bring out the natural talents of students and sharpen them.
  • Activate placement service for students.
    • Delegate H.O.Ds to accord sanction and approval for specific requirements and documents.
    • Conducting both internal and external examinations as a Chief Superintendent.
    • Identify and recommend standardization of various activities through appropriate software and hardware.
    • Monitor the continual improvement of QMS and Procedures.
    • Identify and conduct of in house programmes for the value addition of faculties, staff and students.
  • Warden of both boys’ hostel and girls’ hostel.