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Men's Hostel

Syed Ammal Boys Hostel was built in the campus in the year 2002. It has got 80 rooms and can accommodate 320 students in all. There is a separate block for dining, kitchen and store room. In the same block, one part of the first floor is used by the students of Islam for prayer and the next hall houses the indoor Gym. The adjacent halls there in the same floor are used for table tennis and to play other indoor games.

Now in the hostel there are 330 students. In the first year there are 83 students and in the second year 129 students, third year 59 students and in the final year 59 students.

The hostel has facilities like modernized kitchen, nutritious and hygienic food served on the basis of dividing system which comes approximately to Rs. 900/- per month. There is an STD booth for the students to make calls and in addition to that there is a one rupee coin box. There are 4 more phones to receive the inbound calls. There is a stationery shop from where things needed for the students can be purchased.

For the sake of recreation indoor games like shuttle, carom board, table tennis and gym are available inside the hostel. For outdoor games there is a big ground available for students to keep themselves fit. They can play volley ball, ball badminton, hockey , foot ball, and cricket. They also have two TVs with DTH facility.

The unique facility of the hostel is such that we have a compulsory study hour for two hours from 6.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. It is compulsory on all days except Sundays. The students are allowed to go for outing only on Sundays.