Academic Programmes
Corporate Relationships
Phone : 04567 - 222234
Mobile No : 8489304000
Mobile No : 8754888877
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Elite Club serves as the wonderful place for the students to equip themselves in the various fields of skill development. The club motivates the students to involve and participate in the events and competition energetically. It creates the leadership quality among the students and paves the way for the language learning in a lively environment with more enthusiasm. The students are encouraged to be the part of the Elite Club and stimulated to bring out their inbuilt talents in an excellent manner.It builds the self-confidence and makes the students to get rid from their inhibitions. It leads thestudents to develop their communication and interpersonal skills which are considered as essential skills of the job market in the current scenario.

"Empower yourself to be Elite"

Recent Programmes Photos
Competition : Story Telling
Date: 21.09.19
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