Academic Programmes
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ANNUAL REPORT 2021 - 2022

Academic year 2021-2022, the year in review, also had the bitter experience of college closure for many months due to Covid fears. This is the third consecutive year, which lost number of working days due to Covid apprehensions. Classes for all the students were conducted online during such closure. This minimised the number of hours for the Student Development Centre (SDC), in carrying out counselling and guidance activities as planned. In spite of the limitations the following useful programmes were conducted during the available hours, when the college was open and running classesoffline as well as online.

Prof. P. Ibrahim, M.Sc., M. Phil., (Psychology), as Student Development Coordinator cum Counsellor (SDCC) has successfully accomplished the following programs during the academic year 2021– 2022 with theunconditional support extended by the Management, Principal, Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff and Students. The main aim of the SDC is to provide a healthy atmosphere and mind-set for all the stakeholders namely the Students, Teachers and the Parents for achieving academic excellence. The SDCC has been regularly counselling students in group and one on one sessions. Counselling is done to help them on personal, academic and career needs. In group counselling sessions all the students of the college were enlightened on the following topics during 2021-2022.

Group Counselling:
  1. Need for counselling and how to make use of Counselling to enhance one's mental wellbeing and academic performance.
  2. Importance and Value of Professional Education.
  3. Self, Self-awareness, Self-control, Self-esteem, Self-motivation etc.
  4. Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Communication Skills.
  5. SWOT Analysis.
  6. Goal setting and achieving.
  7. First Year B.E., Students were given special counselling on Orientation to Professional Education, Motivation, Discipline and code of conduct along with goal setting and sustained progress.
  8. II, III &IV B.E., Students of ECE were counselled on coping up with online classes, on an online counselling session.
  9. II &III B.E., CSE Students were counselled on “MINDFULNESS” on an online counselling session.
  10. I MBA Students were counselled on Career Prospects of MBA, Group Discussion, Goal Setting, Motivation and Result oriented achievement on a face to face group counselling session.
  11. II MBA Students were counselled on Goal Setting, Motivation and Result oriented achievement on an online counselling session.
  12. All final year UG and PG students were given special training on How to prepare CV, Self-Introduction and Interview Techniques.
Individual Counselling:

Apart from group counselling a total of 53 students were individually counselled on their personal, academic, discipline and career related challenges.


Faculty Development Programs FDPs were organized for all the professors.

  1. Prof. P. Ibrahim, SDCC of our college, set up a special WhatsApp group to improve Communication Skills for the Professors. Regular exercises are posted on the group.
  2. Prof. P. Ibrahim, SDCC of our college, extended individual Counselling services to 7 professors on their personal and academic challenges.

Non teaching staffdevelopment Programs were organized by the SDC.

  1. Prof. P. Ibrahim, SDCC of our college, conducted a special group counselling sessionfor the college bus drivers to impress upon them their important roles and responsibilities in transporting students and staff, safely from and to the college, their punctuality and Motivation in the active participation with the right team spirit. The program was conducted underthe caption “My Job my Pride.”
  2. Prof. P. Ibrahim, SDCC of our college, conducted a special group counselling session for the college support staff, canteen and housekeeping staff to impress upon them their important roles and responsibilities in excelling in whatever they do for the welfare of students and staff in keeping the college campus clean and hygienic, their punctuality and Motivation in the active participation with the right team spirit. The program was conducted under the caption “My Job my Pride.”
Thank you,
Prof. P. Ibrahim, M.A., MSc., M.Phil.,
Student Development Coordinator cum Counsellor (SDCC)
ANNUAL REPORT 2020 - 2021

The academic year 2020-2021, the year in review, was an extraordinary year due to the devastating effect of Covid-19, the world over. During most part of this academic year classes were conducted online. In spite of thatthe Student Development Centre (SDC) has successfully accomplished the following programs during the academic year 2020 – 2021,thanks to the unwavering support extended by the Management, Principal, Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff and Students. The main aim of the SDC is to provide a healthy atmosphere for both the body and mind for all the stakeholders namely the Students, Teachers and the Parents for achieving academic excellence. The SDCC has been regularly counselling students in groups and one on one basis. Counselling services offered to help the students on personal, academic and career needs. In group counselling sessions all the students of the college were enlightened on several interesting topics during 2020-2021.

Group Counselling:
  1. Need for counselling and how to make use of Counselling to enhance one's mental wellbeing and academic performance.
  2. All the first year students were given a one hour online orientation session on the prospects,Importance, ethics and values of Professional Education.
  3. The second year students of BE CSE were given special coaching classes on Communication Skills for two hours every Saturday morning for two months.
  4. Third Year students of B.E. ECE were given a special sessionon the Importance ofCommunication Skills, explained the ways and means to improve Written and Spoken English. Highlighted the importance of sustained practice of LSRW skills to improve one’s communication skills.Impressed upon them to understand and appreciate the need for English Communication for seeking employment, higher education in India and abroad and to enhance their entrepreneurial capabilities.
  5. First year students were also given a face to face session on Motivation, Goal Setting, staying on course of the pursuit of their goals and determination to achieve their life time ambitions.
Individual Counselling:

Apart from group counselling, in the months of Feb. and Mar. 2021, a total of 36students were individually counselled on their personal, academic, discipline and career related challenges.


Faculty Development Programs FDPs were organized for all the professors.

  1. Prof. P. Ibrahim, SDCC of our college, continues to share online communication exercises a special WhatsApp group to improve Communication Skills for the Professors. Regular exercises were posted on the group with manydepartment wise interactive sessions were held online.

Due to the extraordinary Covid situation SDC could not give counselling to parents of students along with their wards.Hopefully we can do that when the situation improves.

It was not a satisfying academic yearfrom the SDC's perspective, especially due to the unexpected challenges posed by Covid pandemic. Hoping to do better in the coming years.

Thank you,

Prof. P. Ibrahim, M.A., MSc., M.Phil.,

Student Development Coordinator cum Counsellor (SDCC)

ANNUAL REPORT 2019 - 2020

The Student Development Centre (SDC) was started at Syed Engineering College, Ramanathapuram on 1st January 2020.

Prof. P. Ibrahim, M.Sc., M. Phil., (Psychology), as Student Development Coordinator cum Counsellor (SDCC) has successfully accomplished the following programs during the academic year 2019 – 2020 with the unconditional support extended by the Management, Principal, Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff and Students. The main aim of the SDC is to provide a healthy atmosphere and mindset for all the stakeholders namely the Students, Teachers and the Parents for achieving academic excellence. The SDCC has been regularly counselling students in group and one on one basis. Counselling is done to help them on personal, academic and career needs. In group counselling sessions all the students of the college were elaborated on the following topics during 2019-2020.

Group Counselling:
  1. Need for counselling and how to make use of Counselling to enhance one's mental wellbeing and academic performance.
  2. Importance and Value of Professional Education.
  3. Self, Self-awareness, Self-control, Self-esteem, Self-motivation etc.
  4. Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Communication Skills.
  5. All final year UG and PG students were given special training on How to prepare CV, Self-Introduction and Interview Techniques.
  6. First Year Students were given special counselling on exam preparation before their first semester exams.
Individual Counselling:

Apart from group counselling a total of 76 students were individually counselled on their personal, academic, discipline and career related challenges.


Faculty Development Programs FDPs were organized for all the professors.

  1. On 09.12.2019 - One day motivational program by "HOW TO BECOME AN INTERESTING AND INSPIRING PROFESSOR " by Prof. P. Ameer Ali, Ameer Associates, Chennai.
  2. On 10.12.2019 - One day orientation program on “UNDERSTANDING THE PSYCHOLOGY OF PRESENT-DAY STUDENTS” by Prof. P. Ibrahim, SDCC of our college.
  3. Prof. P. Ibrahim, SDCC of our college, set up a special WhatsApp group to improve Communication Skills for the Professors. Regular exercises are posted on the group.
  4. Prof. P. Ibrahim, SDCC of our college, conducted a two-month online English Communication Skill Development program for all the Professors of our College in April and May 2020 during the COVID-19 Lockdown Period.

Planning to give counselling to parents of students along with their wards on different issues.

By the Grace of Almighty, overall it was a highly satisfying academic year from the SDC's perspective. Hoping to do still better in the coming years.

Thank you,

Prof. P. Ibrahim, M.A., MSc., M.Phil.,

Student Development Coordinator cum Counsellor (SDCC)