Academic Programmes
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Programs Conducted
Number of workshops/seminars conducted on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Industry-Academia Innovative practices during the last six years
Year Name of the workshop/ seminar Date From – To Date of establishment of IPR cell
2019-2020Awareness Program On Intellectual Property Rights20.06.20202014
2019-2020 One Day workshop on Concrete Technology 13.06.2020 2014
2019-2020 Plagiarism in journals and books 30.05.2020 2014
2019-2020 Global warming 16.05.2020 2014
2019-2020 Introduction to SAP for Entrepren eurship 5.05.2020 2014
2019-2020 Writing research proposal and submission process 25.04.2020 2014
2019-2020 Writing research paper and publish in good impact factor journal 18.04.2020 2014
2019-2020 Research methodology 11.04.2020 2014
2019-2020 Principles of management and professional ethics 04.04.2020 2014
2019-2020 IPR for Engineers 14.03.2020 2014
2019-2020 Introduction to Indian Patenting Procedures 15.02.2020 2014
2019-2020 Recent Advancement in Design and Development 25.01.2020 2014
2019-2020 Entrepreneur ship Awareness Programme 19.10.2019 2014
2019-2020 Hands on training program on Patent searching, Drafting and Filling 21.09.2019 2014
2019-2020 Recent Advancement in Design and Development 24.08.2019 2014
2019-2020 One day Seminar on Opportunities and Challenges for startups in India 13.07.2019 2014
2019-2020 Writing research proposal and submission process 16.03.2019 2014
2018-2019 Writing research paper and publish in good impact factor journal 09.03.2019 2014
2018-2019 Research methodology 23.02.2019 2014
2018-2019 Principles of management and professional ethics 16.02.2019 2014
2018-2019 Workshops on innovations, patents and copyrights 09.02.2019 2014
2018-2019 One Day workshop on Concrete Technology 08.02.2019 2014
2018-2019 Plastic awareness 23.10.2018 2014
2018-2019 Awareness Program On Intellectual Property Rights 14.09.2018 2014
2018-2019 Introduction to JAVA Programming 21.08.2018 2014
2018-2019 One Day workshop on Advanced Construction Materials 08.09.2018 2014
2018-2019 Engineers day celebration&IE(India)Convention 2018 15.09.2018 2014
2018-2019 Writing and Submission of Papers in Symposium/Conference/Journals 11.08.2018 2014
2017-2018 Fibre optics its application 24.10.2017 2014
2017-2018 Engineers day celebration&IE(India)Convention 2017 15.09.2017 2014
2017-2018 One Day workshop on Green Building Construction 19.08.2017 2014
2017-2018 Importance of Patenting and procedure for filing Indian patents 17.08.2017 2014
2017-2018 Python Programming 08.08.2017 2014
2017-2018 Importance and benefits of Geographic indication 07.10.2017 2014
2016-2017 ELITE -16 24.10.2016 2014
2016-2017 Engineers day celebration&IE(India)Convention 2016 15.09.2016 2014
2016-2017 One Day workshop on Recent Trends in Civil Engineering 10.09.2016 2014
2016-2017 PHP and MYSQL 10.08.2016 2014
2016-2017 Plagiarism in journals and books 17.09.2016 2014
2015-2016 Engineers day celebration&IE(India)Convention 2015 15.09.2015 2014
2015-2016 Global warming 23.10.2015 2014
2015-2016 Data Mining and Healthcare 14.08.2015 2014
2015-2016 Importance of Patenting and procedure for filing Indian patents 19.09.2015 2014
2014-2015 Engineers day celebration&IE(India)Convention 2014 15.05.2014 2014
2014-2015 One Day workshop on Environmental Engineering 09.01.2015 2014
2014-2015 Intoduction to IOT 23.09.2014 2014
2014-2015 IPR cell installation 20.09.2014 2014