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Internet, Wi-Fi Facility and Telecom Facility


All the computers in the computer labs of all departments, library, HOD rooms, faculty rooms, computers available in office and hostels are provided with internet access through hardwired networking. The internet facility is obtained from three service providers such as Airtel, JIO and BSNL. The total bandwidth of the internet is 104 Mbps. A separate File Transfer Protocol (FTP) facility is developed for students to share their contents within the college campus.

Wi- Fi availability

Wi-Fi is facility is available throughout the campus as well asin boys and girls hostel. The total number of Wi-Fi Access Points available in the campus is 71. In order to protect the unauthorized access to the Wi-Fi, a student/ faculty must register their computer with concerned authority. After the authentication, they can access the internet through Wi-Fi access points anywhere in the college campus and hostel.

Telecom Facility

All the buildings in the college campus are connected by intercom telephones through computerized EPAX system. In addition to that, STD and ISD facilities are available in college campus as well as in hostels.

Internet, Wi-Fi Facility and Telecom Facility Photos