Academic Programmes
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Strategy Development and Deployment

In order to enrich the quality of the programs, each department schedules their own plan.Generally after getting approval for the plans, the department works in accordance with scheduled plan for achieving the goal.
The Institution has plans for the development of Strategic/perspective plan for the period from 2022-2027.

Sl.No Strategic plan Deployment
1. To apply for the NIRF,AISHE..etc., It is decided to apply for the national level ranking agencies to upgrade the standard of the college.
2. To enhance the Employable skills of the students along with encouraging the Co-curricular/ extracurricular activities. Separate classes for Aptitude, Technical and Soft Skill Development were conducted
3. To motivate faculty members to upgrade the Teaching –Learning process. Faculty members are encouraged to attend FDP’s, Seminars, workshops and NPTEL Courses.
4. To get more funds from various funding agencies like ICMR, DRDO,DST, CSIR and AICTE to organize Conference/ Seminars/ Workshops/ FDP etc. In order to organize Conferences/Seminars/Workshops/FDP, the faculty members apply to the various funding agencies.
5. To encourage more faculty members to publish papers in reputed International/ National Journals with good Impact Factor. In order to motivate the faculty members for publishing papers in reputed journals, separate mark has been provided in the Self appraisal form
6. To motivate all Faculty members to register Ph.D Faculty members are encouraged to register for Ph.D.
7. To produce maximum numbers of university rank holders in each programme Motivation will be given to studious students from the first semester onwards through counselling and personal care.
8. To establish more numbers of smart classrooms and Video Theatres Smart class rooms are available in few numbers. Steps have been taken to increase the number of smart class rooms and video theatres.
9. To provide more value added certification courses in addition to the existing courses and provide coaching for competitive exams. Steps are taken to bring value added courses in future.
10. To offer more consultancy and Testing Services. Civil Engineering department is doing consultancy and testing services for government and private companies. In future it will be implemented in other departments also.
11. To increase the numbers of students in placements Placement cell is taking necessary steps to bring more industries for campus placements.