Academic Programmes
Corporate Relationships
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Library - Rules
arrow Silence should be maintained by the users inside the library premises.
arrow The library working hours will be at 8 am to 8 pm.
arrow 1) The user [pupil] can have 4 tokens for having books.

2) The user [Teaching staff] can have 5 tokens for having books.

3) The user [Non Teaching staff] can have 3 tokens for having books.
arrow The books can be possessed by the borrower only for 15 days and can be extended by renewal for 5 days.
arrow The users’ properties must be placed in the concerned locality.
arrow The users must sign in the Entry register as well as Digital library register while the entry into the library.
arrow The users must make their entry as well as leave by smart card reader and door access control which has been attached at the opening doors.
arrow The users should return the books from 8 am to 1 pm and the books will be issued from 1 pm to 5pm.
arrow The users are instructed to follow the college proper dress code inside the library premises.
arrow Borrowers are requested to check if the documents being borrowed are complete and no pages are missing in it. In case of defect or damage in the book, should be brought to the notice of the library staff.
arrow Borrowers are responsible for the documents they borrow. Documents lost, torn or damaged (tearing of pages, underlining, making notes, damaging of binding and the like) shall attract serious action including suspension of membership and/or replacement of documents concern. The lost/damaged document shall be replaced by the borrower.