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Code of Conduct – Students

In order to create a conducive atmosphere for learning and make the students to become valuable citizen of the country, a code of conduct was framed for students as well for staff members. The code of conduct for students is informed to themand their parents through notices while they are admitted into the college during the first year/ second year. Apart from this, during each semester, the academic calendar to be released also contains the code of conduct of the students. The materials containing menace of ragging, punishment for ragging inside and outside the college campus and Toll free telephone number for anti-ragging committee is printed in academic calendar as well as displayed in all department notice boards, hostel notice boards and displayed in prominent places in the college.


Every student is bound to follow the rules and regulations of the college and maintain Strict discipline.

  1. Ragging and smoking are strictly prohibited in the college and hostel premises. Ragging is not allowed even outside the college campus. Any violation will result in suspension / dismissal from the hostel / college.
  2. Every student shall conduct himself / herself in every respect to cause no disturbance to the work of the classes or to fellow students.
  3. Students should take the internal examinations and model examination as serious as their internal marks are awarded based on these. If one fails to attend or shows poor progress then their parent will be called for proper explanation. Further the permission to appear in internal /model exam depends on the attendance during the preceding working days.
  4. No student shall take part in any activity of public movement, which the college authorities consider undesirable.
  5. Every student shall handle the college property with utmost care. Damage caused to the college property will be added to the account(s) of the student (s) concerned in addition to disciplinary action.
  6. Writing or scribbling on walls, furniture and classroom board is strictly prohibited. During the class hours, students are forbidden from going to the canteen or loitering some where. Any violation of it will be seriously viewed.
  7. Furniture should not be moved from any hall without the knowledge of the concerned HOD.
  8. Students are directed to discard wastes in dustbins placed in toilets, class rooms and canteen and are directed to co-operate with the administration in keeping the college and hostel campus clean and tidy.
  9. Students who want to go out of the campus during regular class / lab. hours, tea break or lunch interval, they should get permission from the concerned Head of the Department and Principal.
  10. Students should come to the class with the following dress code:-boys should tuck-in their shirt and wear shoes and girls can either wear saree or churidhar. They should definitely refrain from loitering in the campus wearing shorts, coming to class room wearing jeans pant, T-shirts, shirts with printed sceneries or write up on the back and any other fancy dress. Students found violating the dress code will be sent out of the class by the teacher concerned.
  11. Students are strictly advised not to come to the college by two wheelers.
  12. Students are not allowed to shout, hoot or whistle during the annual functions like the College day, Hostel Day, Sports Day or during inter-collegiate competitions and Guest Lectures etc. They should maintain the decorum of the college and are expected neither to leave in the middle of the proceedings of any meeting nor to be seen any where else.
  13. Before proceeding to any curricular, co-curricular and extra curricular activities, the students should submit the ON DUTY form, duly signed by the concerned staff-in-charge and HOD to the Principal.
  14. Students should be present only in the Language lab. / Internet lab. and not permitted to remain in the classroom during the hours allotted for these laboratories. They are not allowed to go to canteen or hostel during that hour.
  15. Students are instructed to wear overcoat and shoes for practical classes without which they will not be allowed to do the practical.
  16. Visitors / Guests or Parents will not be allowed to meet the student during the class hours except in case of emergency, for which the parent should get permission from the Principal through the college office.
  17. Students should not come late to the college. Late comers should meet the Principal and the HOD concerned before going to the class room.
  18. Students should not take leave without leave letters. They should get prior permission from the staff-in-charge and get the leave letter duly signed by HOD & PRINCIPAL.
  19. Students should obey and respect all staff members of all the departments.
  20. Students are strictly prohibited from using cell phones inside the college and hostel campus.
  21. Students coming by college bus should maintain high standard of discipline. They should not howl, hoot, whistle (or) make comments about the driver or any one traveling in the bus. They should have their bus pass always with them. It is also applicable for students coming by Government buses.
  22. Students should co-operate with staff members to conduct coaching classes for slow learners. Severe action will be taken on absentees.
  23. Students are advised to keep their identity cards always with them.
  24. Taking any form of eatables in the classroom is strictly prohibited. Students are advised to take their lunch in the student’s amenities center only.
  25. Students should avoid the habit of standing on one leg and keeping the other leg on the wall or pillar in the corridor of the college building, hostel and other places during tea or lunch break.
  26. Long conversation with opposite gender in the campus and during the Educational tour should be avoided.
  27. The Principal reserve the powers to fine, suspend or even expel a student from the College / Hostel in the interest of the institution under disciplinary action. Once action is taken by the Principal, it will never be revoked under any circumstances. No influence or pressure will have any effect on the college or hostel authorities in this regard.
  28. It is bounden duty and responsibility of all the students to uphold the name and reputation of the institution.
  29. Rules and regulations have been framed for the welfare of the students to become best citizen of the country, to be a worthy son/ daughter of their parents and to be outstanding always in their life.