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  Rtn. Dr. Chinnadurai Abdullah, MD, DMRD


Rtn. Dr. Chinnadurai Abdullah, Correspondent of the institution and the member of Syed Ammal Trust. Being a Radiologist, he has numerous ambitions to bring about landmark developments in the institution academically. He visits the premier institutions in the country and abroad and brings new ideas to create modem facilities in the campus.

He involves himself in a lot of social activities. He has keen interest in sports and games. His encouragement and guidance made him the Vice-President of the various District Sports Associations. He is also holding the following honorary posts to his credit.

arrow District Governor - 2017-2018, Rotary International District 3212
arrow Vice President of Self-Financing Engg. Colleges Association – Madurai Region
arrow Former Vice President of Indian Radiological and Imaging Association – Tamilnadu and Pondicherry Chapter.
arrow Represented Madurai Kamaraj University Hockey Team in the year 1980.
arrow Holding various posts in various District Sports Associations.
arrow Patron of Dr. E. M. Abdullah memorial Blood Donor’s Club and donated blood more than 25 times.
Responsibility & Authority:
  • As a management exemplary, the Correspondent assumes key role in the overall governance of the institution
  • He is the supreme authority for the institution.
  • Articulation of long-term policies by the Management.
  • Overseer of policy implementation.
  • Releasing funds according to the budgetary approvals and contingent cases on specific request.
  • A constituent member of the Staff Selection Committee and approve all appointment and relieving orders.
  • He is authorized to take decision on all college related activities.
  • He is responsible for the conduct of Governing Council meeting and Planning and Monitoring Committee meetings.
  • Acquiring Endorsement of annual budget.
  • Authorized to approve quality policy of the institution