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Governing Council

We strongly believe that good governance is the key element that will interconnect the management, faculty members, staff, students and the society at large. We desire that it ought to be effective, efficient and prudent in carrying out its duties. We encourage and execute modern governance and appropriate administration that should be reflected in day to day activities of the college. In such a way, the governing council of the college has been framed with distinguished experts from various cross section of the society to provide valuable guidance to the Principal and management to administer the college according to the needs of the current scenario.

Governing Council Members
Number Category Nature Members List
Five Members One of them to be Chair Person Management Nominated by the Parent Body as per its Constitution or by laws 1. Dr. Babu Abdullah
Managing Trustee,
Syed Ammal Trust & Correspondent, Syed Ammal Higher Secondary School,

2. Dr. Chinnadurai Abdullah
Syed Ammal Engg. College, Ramanathapuram

3. Dr. Syedha Abdullah
National Academy Group of Institutions,

4. Thiru. Chelladurai Abdullah
Syed Ammal Arts and Science College,

5. Mrs. Rajathi Abdullah
Syed Ammal Matriculation Higher Secondary Schools,
Two Members Teachers of the College Nominated by the Principal based on seniority by rotation 1.Prof. Dr. G. Mahendran
Prof. & Head, ECE Department

2.Prof. Dr. R. Nagarajan
Prof. & Head, EEE Department
One Member Administrative Staff of the College Administrative Officer / Senior Administrative Staff Mr. C. Devendran
Administrative Officer
One Member Educationalist / Industrialist Nominated by the Management Dr. N. Sivakumaran
Department of Instrumentation and Control Engg., National Institute of Technology,
One Member State Government Nominee Academician not below the rank of Professor or State Government Official of DOTE / State Council of Higher Education Dr. K. Ramanathan
Assitant Professor and Head
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Alagappa Chettiar Government College of Engineering
One Member University Nominee Nominated by the University Dr. P. Geetha
Professor, Department of CSE
College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University,
Chennai – 25
One Member Principal of the College Member Secretary Dr. M. Periyasamy
Responsibilities of Governing Council
  • To review the academic activities of the college
  • To review the administrative activities of the college
  • To suggest the Principal and Management with various ideas to enhance the quality of academic and administrative system.