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Decentralization in working and grievance redressal mechanism

Various committees have been framed in our college in order to redress the problems and grievances of the students. For every committee, a senior faculty member was designated as convener. Every committed has defined roles and responsibilities as mentioned below of the composition of the each committee. It is the responsibility of the convener to convene the meeting as frequently as possible among the members to discuss the issues related to the responsibilities assigned to the concerned committee. Based on the nature of the problems arose, the convener will take necessary remedial actions. If the remedial action requires attention of the Principal and Management, then it will be immediately brought to the notice of them for necessary action. This kind of work culture will resolve the problems as when arose and make the remedial system effective and speedy.

S.No Name of the Committee Members Role / Responsibilities of the committee
1 Autonomous, Committee Dr. M. Periyasamy  (Principal) (Convener)
& All HODs and Criterion Coordinators
To do all the works related to obtain autonomous status as well as updating the data required for maintaining autonomous status of the college.
2 Discipline Committee Dr. M. Periyasamy  (Principal) (Convener)
Dr. G. Mahendran( HOD/ECE)
( Co- Convener )
Dr. S. Karthikeyan ( HOD/MECH)
Dr. A. Kanmani ( HOD/CSE)
Dr. R. Nagarajan (HOD/EEE )
Dr. N. Karthikeyan (HOD/AIDS)
Prof. G. Palani Selvan ( HOD/Civil)
Mrs. T.M. Devi ( HOD/CSBS)
Dr. R. Meikanda Ganesh Kumar (HOD/MBA)
Dr. B. Jayalakshmi( I Year Coordinator )
Mr. M. Balamurugan (AP/Maths)
(Dy. Warden/ Boys Hostel)
Dr. A. Valanarasi (ASP/ECE), Dy. Warden- Girls Hostel In-Charge
Mr. S. Sathyendran ( Physical Director)
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 4 Per Year
To oversee and monitor the overall discipline of students in the college and review it periodically.   To take decisions and actions related to indiscipline activities of the students in the college as and when required.
3 Canteen and Lunch Arrangement Committee For Any Functions including VIP Lunch Arrangement in Placement Cell Mr. M. Balamurugan ( AP/Maths) (Convener)                                   
Dr. K. Jeyabalan ( ASP/MBA )
Mrs. M. Jeyashree ( AP/CSE)
Mr. C. Thirugnanam ( AP/ MECH )
Mr. G. T. Arun Prasath ( AP/EEE)
Mr. N. Saran Raj (AP/Civil)
Dr. V. Krishnan ( Librarian)
Mr. N. Satheeskumar ( Lab.Tech/ECE)
Mr. T. Vinoth (Lab. Tech/ Mech)
Mr. C. Devendran (AO)
All Canteen Staff Members
& Student Representatives from Each Department Nominated by Concerned HODs
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 4 Per Year
To fix the menu for each semester or year and monitor it periodically whether it is followed or not.
Periodical checking of  the quality of food items prepared.
Periodical checking of quality of items / vegetables purchased. To check the income and expenditure for each month.
To solve the issues and problems raised by the students and staff members related to canteen.
To Make arrangements for lunch for conducting any functions to be organized in the college.
To arrange lunch for VIPs in placement cell during any functions organized or for any committee members visiting our college.
4 Placement and Training Cell  and
In-charges for Higher Studies
Mr. G. T. Arun Prasath AP/EEE
( Convener)
Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn (AP/ECE)
Mrs. B. Nithya Kalyani ( AP/CSE)
Mr. R. Gautham Praveen ( AP/CSBS)
Mrs. I. Jancy ( AP/AIDS)
Mr. G. Manikandan (AP/Civil)
Mr. R. Raja (AP/MECH)
Mrs. M. Menaga ( AP/MBA)
Mrs. M. Sangeetha ( AP/EEE )
Mrs. M. Shanmuga Sundari(AP/Maths)
& Student Representatives from Each Department Nominated by Concerned HODs
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 4 Per Year
To organize campus placement drives. To organize students for off – campus interviews. To organize and monitor placement oriented training programmes. To collaborate with HODs for organizing placement oriented programmes during Saturday afternoon.
5 NBA &NAACCommittee Dr. G. Mahendran  ( HOD/ECE)
( Convener for NBA )
Dr. R. Nagarajan (HOD/ EEE) 
( Convener for NAAC )
Dr. S. Karthikeyan ( HOD/MECH)
Dr. A. Kanmani( HOD/CSE)
Dr. N. Karthikeyan ( HOD/AIDS)
Prof. G. Palani Selvan ( HOD/Civil)
Mrs. T.M. Devi ( HOD/CSBS)
Dr. R. Meikanda Ganesh Kumar (HOD/MBA)
Dr. B. Jayalakshmi(I Year Coordinator)
Mr. M. Balamurugan
( Dy. Warden/ Boys Hostel)
Dr. A. Valanarasi (ASP/ECE), Dy. Warden- Girls Hostel In-Charge
Mr. C. Devendran (AO) Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 4 Per Year                  
To conduct periodical review meetings to monitor the progress of NAAC certification work .
To attend theseminars/ conferencesrelated to NAAC certification. To organize training programmesfor staff members by external resource persons to create awareness about NAAC certification.
Periodically reviewing the updation of NBA related activities in the college.
6 College Website ; Internet and Network  Maintenance Committee & Online Examination and Office Automation Committee
& Online Feedback Committee
Mr. B. John Samuel ( AP/CSE)
( Convener)
Mr. M. Paul Jeyaraj (AP/EEE)
Mr. G. T. Arun Prasath ( Placement Officer )
Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn ( AP/ECE)
Mr. P. Senthilkumar (AP/ Mech.)
Ms. J. Esther Baby( AP/Civil)
Mrs. I. Jancy ( AP/AIDS)
Mr. R. Gautham Praveen ( AP/ CSBS)
Dr. R. Kavitha ( HOD/English)
Mrs. M. Sharmila Devi( AP/MBA)
Mr. G. G. Naganathan ( AP/Chemistry)
Dr. V. Krishnan ( Librarian)
Mr. M. Balamurugan
( Dy. Warden/ Boys Hostel)
Dr. A. Valanarasi (ASP/ECE), Dy. Warden- In-Charge Girls Hostel
Mr. C. Devendran (AO)
Mr. R. Chellapandian ( OS)
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 4 Per Year
To maintain and update the contents in the college website periodically. To promote news events related to college in the website regularly. To Maintain the continuous connection of Internet and Intranet.
To conduct online examinations to the outside world in collaboration with external agencies like NSEIT, TCS ION etc.. 
To Take Feedback about conduction of subjects by Faculty Members  
7 Library Committee&
ID Card,  Text Books and Record Note Books Purchase Committee
Mr. T. Ilayarajan ( AP  & Head/ Physics )  ( Convener )
Dr. V. Krishnan ( Librarian)
Dr. S. Murugeswari ( ASP/ECE)
Mrs. S. Mugesh Bala ( AP/CSE)
Mrs. D. Sathya ( AP/AIDS )
Mrs. M. Sangeetha ( AP/EEE)
Dr. K. Senthilkumar (Prof. /Mech.)
Ms. J. Esther Baby (AP/Civil)
Mrs. M. Menaga( AP/MBA)
Mr. S. Nagarajan ( Library Assistant )
Mrs. K. Gokila ( AP/Physics )
Ms. T. K. Bhagavathi ( AP/Physics )
Mrs. R. Ramya ( Lab. Tech./Chemistry)
Mrs. G. Kalai Thenral ( Lab. Tech./Physics) & Student Representatives from Each Department Nominated by Concerned HODs
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 4 Per Year
To purchase the books and magazines periodically to fulfill the requirements of AnnaUniversity and AICTE.
To meet regularly to discuss about further developments in the library.
To solve the issues and problems raised by the students and staff members.
To conduct stock verification once in a year.
To prepare library related documents with regard to Anna University, NBA and NAAC Accreditation committee visits.
To prepare ID cards for First year / Lateral entry students and for newly joined staff members.
To Purchase books for the First Year Students who wants to purchase through college.
8 Overall Computer& CCTV MaintenanceCommittee& E- Waste Disposal Mrs. T. M. Devi  ( HOD/CSBS)
 ( Convener)
Ms. B. Ramathilagam ( Lab.Tech./CSE)
Mr. N. Satheeskumar ( Lab.Tech./ECE)
Mr. T. Vinoth (Lab.Tech./MECH)
Mrs. R. Poorani Devi ( Lab.Tech./CSE)
Mr. M. Dhivan Dul Hag ( Lab.Tech./CSE)
Mr. S. Mohamed Ibrahim ( Lab.Tech./CSE)
Mr. C. Govindaraj ( Lab.Tech./EEE)
and  All Lab. Technicians
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 2 Per Year
To maintain all the computers & printers in the college in working condition. To Take necessary steps for proper disposal of E- Waste such as Computers, Printers, Scanners and other items in the college.
9 University Examination Committee;
Registration of First Year Students in AU Web Portal & Submission of Result Analysis of University Examinations to Examination Cell and Principal.
Mr. S. Rajesh Babu ( ASP/MECH )
 ( Convener)
Dr. A. Valanarasi (ASP/ECE) ( Co- Convener )
Mrs. M. Suganya ( AP/CSE)
Mrs. D. Sathya ( AP/AIDS)
Mr.  K. Karthik Kumnar ( AP/EEE)
Mr. G. Karunakaran ( AP/Civil)
Mrs. A. Ramalakshmi ( AP/MBA)
Mrs. K. Dhivya ( AP/English )
Mr. G. Vijaya Sankar
( Lab. Tech  /MECH )
Mr. G. Vijayakumar (Lab. Tech./ECE)
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 2 Per Year
To conduct the University Examinations as per the time table with proper furniture and stationary arrangements.   To Maintain Result Analysis of Each University Examinations. To Maintain University Rank Holders List To maintain the Record of College Ranking in Anna University Examinations
( Semester wise)
Registration of First Year Students in AU Web Portal. Submission of Result Analysis of University Examinations to Examination Cell and Principal ( Soft Copy and Hard Copy )
Collection of Arrear Fees from Students and submit to the college office.
Allocation of Invigilation duties to the faculty members for every semester examinations.
10 Internal Examination Committee Dr. M. Senthil Kumar ( AP/EEE)
( Convener )
Mrs. M. Sangeetha (AP/EEE)
Mr. R. Raja (AP/MECH)
Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn (AP/ECE)
Mrs. I. Jancy  ( AP/AIDS)
Mr. R. Gautham Praveen ( AP/CSBS )
Mrs. S. Mugesh Bala ( AP/CSE)
Mrs. T. Akshaya (AP/Civil)
Mrs. V. Velvizhi (AP/Mathematics)
Ms. N. Subathra ( AP/English )
Mrs. N. Maheswari ( AP/MBA )
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 6  Per Year
To conduct the three periodical tests as per the schedule given by Anna University with proper stationary arrangements.   
11 Overall College A/C  and Water Coolers and Mechanical Related  Maintenance Committee Mr. P. Senthil Kumar
( AP / MECH ) (Convener)
Mr. S. Salahuddin  (Lab.Tech /MECH. )
Mr. N. Periyar Selvan (Lab./Tech., Mech.)
Mr. G. Vijayakumar (Lab.Tech./ECE)
Mr. M. Dhivan Dul Hag (Lab. Tech./CSE)
Mr. T. Lakshmanakumar ( Electrician)
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 2 Per Year
To monitor the maintenance of all air conditioners and water coolers available in the college and Hostels.
12 Signboard In charge
and Maintenance of Notice Boards
Mr. G. Manikandan (AP/Civil)
( Convener )
Mr. S. Salahuddin  (Lab.Tech /MECH. )
Mr. G. Vijaya Sankar
( Lab. Tech  /MECH )
Mr. N. Sathees Kumar ( Lab. Tech/ECE)
Ms. B. Ramathilagam (Lab. Tech.  CSE)
Mr. M. Pravin Kumar( Lab. Tech., MECH )
Mr. C. Govindaraj  ( Lab. Tech/EEE)
Mrs. R. Ramya( Lab. Tech/Chemistry)
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 2 Per Year
To install signboards in the college and hostels as and where required.
To maintain notice boards in the college and hostel campuses.
13 Fire Extinguishers and First Aid Materials Committee Mr. C. Thiruganam  ( AP/MECH. )
( Convener )
Dr. V. Krishnan ( Librarian)
Mr. N. Periyar Selvan (Lab./Tech., Mech.)
Mr. S. Salahuddin  (Lab.Tech /MECH. )
Mr. S. Mohamed Ibrahim  ( Lab. Tech/CSE)
Mrs. M. Uma (Lab.Tech./ECE)
Ms. M. Anitha ( Lab. Tech/Chemistry)
Mr. M. Pravin Kumar ( Lab.Tech/Mech.)
Ms. M. Pandiselvi  ( Lab. Tech/EEE)
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 2 Per Year
To Maintain Fire Extinguishers and First Aid Boxes in the College Campus and Buses
14 College News Promotion and PRO Dr. N. Karthikeyan ( HOD/AIDS)
( Convener )
Dr. S. Aiswariya ( ASP/EEE)
Dr. R. Raja ( AP/MECH)
Mrs. T. Akshaya ( AP/Civil)
Mrs. B. Nithya Kalyani( AP/CSE)
Ms. H. Safana Begam (AP/ECE)
Mr. T. Ilayarajan ( HOD/Physics)
Mr. S. Sathyendran ( Physical Director )
Mr. C. Devendran (AO)
Mr. S. Nagarajan (Library Asst.)
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 4 Per Year
To send advertisements news items to the newspaper about the college or events organized in the college.
To bring reporters to the college functions through invitations or by phone.
To make promotional activities about the college in the newspaper and website.
To Design and Print Vinyl Flex and Invitations for general functions and departmental functions.
All these designs must be properly documented in digital form and hard copy form. 
15 Boys Hostel Committee Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn             ( AP/ECE )  (Convener)
Mr. T. Dharmaprabahkaran (AP/Mech.)
Prof. J. Sakubar Sadiq (ASP/ECE)
Dr. M. Senthil Kumar ( AP/EEE ) 
Mr. B. John Samuel (AP/ CSE)
Mr. G. Karunakaran ( AP/Civil)
Mr. M. Balamurugan ( AP/Maths.)
Mr. T. Ilayarajan ( AP/ Physics )
( Dy. Warden/ Boys Hostel )
& Hostel Staff Members)
& Student Representatives from Each Department Nominated by Deputy Warden Boys Hostel
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 4 Per Year
To make frequent visits to monitor the regular activities of the boys hostel. To conduct periodical meetings with student representatives to redress their grievances.
16 Transport Committee Dr. N. Kirubanandasarathy
(Prof./ECE)  ( Convener)
Dr. G.S. Naganathan (ASP/EEE)
Mr. G. G. Naganathan ( AP/ Chemistry )
Mr. K. Karthik Kumar ( AP/EEE )
Mr. P. Senthil Kumar  (AP/Mech.)
Mrs. J. Nishath Begam ( AP/ Mathematics )
Mrs. K. Karthika Devi ( AP/ECE )
Mrs. Sowmya Muthukumar  ( AP/CSE )
Mr. G. Manikandan (AP/Civil)
Mrs. K. Gokila ( AP/Physics )
Ms. T. K. Bhagavathi ( AP/Physics )
Mr. V. Muniyandi ( Jr. Asst.- Office)
All Drivers
& Student Representatives from Each Department Nominated by Concerned HODs Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 2 Per Year
To regulate the transit of buses in different routes.
To regulate the drivers in different bus routes. To monitor discipline among the students inside the bus. Also to monitor the crowd in each bus.
To monitor maintenance of the buses as well as to do works related to RTO office.
To make arrangements for master health checkup of the Drivers in our trust hospital every year.
To make arrangements for providing orientation programme to drivers towards road safety and other transport related items. 
17 ISO – Committee& Updation of ISO related files, Formats and Printing of Log books, Attendance Registers and Students Counseling File  &Purchase Committee Dr. R. Nagarajan ( HOD/EEE)
 ( Convener)
Dr. G. Mahendran  ( HOD/ECE)
Dr. S. Karthikeyan ( HOD/MECH)
Dr. A. Kanmani( HOD/CSE)
Dr. N. Karthikeyan ( HOD/AI DS)
Prof. G. Palani Selvan(HOD/Civil)
Dr. B. Jayalakshmi ( I Year Coordinator )
Mrs. T.M. Devi ( HOD/CSBS)
Dr. R. Meikanda Ganesh Kumar (HOD/MBA)
Mr. M. Balamurugan ( AP/Maths)
( Dy. Warden/ Boys Hostel)
Dr. A. Valanarasi (ASP/ECE), Dy. Warden- Girls Hostel In-Charge
Mr. C. Devendran (AO)
Department Representatives
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 4 Per Year
To obtain renewal of the ISO certification every year. To monitor the activities related to ISO certification regularly.   To conduct periodical review meetings and discuss about changes to be done in the existing norms and procedures if necessary. To Make arrangements for printing of Faculty log books, Students Attendance Register and Counseling File
To make arrangements for purchase of the equipments/items/devices required by any department in the college as per the guidelines.
After receiving the item /device/equipment in good quality make arrangements for payment.
It is the responsibility of the purchase committee to make arrangements  for servicing /repairing of faulty items/devices/equipment’s.
18 GATE and Higher Education Training Forum Ms. J. Esther Baby ( AP/Civil)
 ( Convener)
Dr. M. Senthil Kumar ( AP/EEE )
Mr. G. G. Naganathan (AP/Chemistry)
Mr. P. Senthil Kumar (AP/Mech.)
Dr. R. Kavitha ( HOD/English)
Mrs. Sowmya Muthukumar (AP/CSE)
Mrs. G. Bharathi ( AP/ECE )
Ms. R. Abarna ( AP/MBA)
Mr. M. Dhivan Dul Hag ( Lab.Tech./CSE)
Mr. M. Vetrivel Lab. Tech./ECE)
Mr. S. Nagarajan ( Library Assistant )
& Student Representatives from Each Department Nominated by Concerned HODs
To conduct cultural activities in the college during College Day and during other events.
To accompany with students for cultural events to be organized in other colleges.
To organize pongal celebrations or any other events related to cultural or tamil sangam
19 Time Table Committee Mrs. P. R. Amutha Sri                                 ( AP/Mathematics) ( Convener)
Mrs. M. Shanmuga Sundari                        ( AP/Mathematics )
Mrs. J. Nishath Begam  ( AP/Mathematics )
Mrs. Sowmya Muthukumar (AP/CSE)
& All HODs
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 2 Per Year
To coordinate the time table preparation for each department by respective HODs in every semester.
To prepare master time table of the college during every semester.
20 Power Supply, Generator Maintenance and UPS   Maintenance and Electrical Equipment Maintenance Dr. G.S. Naganathan ( AP/EEE)
Mr. G.T. Arunprasath ( AP/EEE)
Ms. M. Pandiselvi (Lab.Tech./EEE)
Mr. C. Govindaraj (Lab.Tech./EEE)
Mr. G. Vijaya Kumar ( Lab. Tech./ECE)
Mr. T. Lakshmanakumar ( Electrician)
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 2 Per Year
To maintain the power supply, generators and UPS  available in the college and hostel campuses.
To Maintain Solar Power Generation in the College Campus.
To maintain audio visual arrangements in EEE Seminar Hall.
To monitor utilization of  Generator, EEE Seminar Hall and Fuel for Generator.
21 Estate Maintenance  ( Building Repairs, Construction and Painting, Gardening,  Plumbing, Carpentry, Mechanical Repairs  and Equipment Maintenance   and Scrap Disposal ) Prof. G. Palani Selvan ( HOD/Civil )
( Convener )
Mr. G. Karunakaran ( AP / Civil )
Mr. N. Saran Raj ( AP/Civil)
Mr. C. Devendran (AO)
Maintenance Team:
Mr. C. Thiruganam (AP/Mech.)
Mr. N. Periyar Selvan (Lab./Tech., Mech.)
Mr. G. Vijaya Sankar ( Lab.Tech/Mech.)
Mr. S. Salahudeen ( Mechanic. Asst.)
Scrap Disposal Team
Mr. M. Vetrivel ( Lab. Tech./ECE)
Mr. C. Govindaraj (Lab. Tech./EEE )
Mr. V. Muniyandi ( Junior Assistant )
Mr. C. Devendran (AO)
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 4 Per Year
To do works related to maintenance of existing buildings.
To do works related construction of new buildings.
To make arrangements for earth movers or tractors or masons whenever required for college work. To do works related to campus cleaning gardening and do the maintenance work (including carpentry and plumbing works) of all buildings in the college and hostel campuses.
To Make arrangements for the proper disposal of metal scraps, computer scraps and wooden scraps once in a semester or year depending upon the accumulation.
22 Furniture Committee
General Arrangement Committee for all functions
Mr. R. Raja  ( AP/MECH.)  ( Convener)
Mrs. N. Karthika Devi ( AP/ECE)
Mrs. M. Suganya ( AP/CSE )
Ms. J. Esther Baby ( AP/Civil)
Mrs. V. Velvizhi ( AP/Maths)
Mrs. J. Nishath Begam ( AP/Maths)
Mr. T. Ilaya Rajan ( HOD/Physics)
Mrs. M. Menaga ( AP/MBA )
Mr. N. Sathees Kumar ( Lab.Tech/ECE)
Mrs. M. Uma (Lab. Tech/ECE)
Mr. N. Periyar Selvan (Lab./Tech., Mech.)
Mr. G. Vijaya Sankar
( Lab. Tech  /MECH )
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required :2 Per Year
To maintain stock of furniture available in the each department.
To make furniture arrangement in the auditorium or seminar hall whenever functions will be organized in these blocks.
To Make Furniture Arrangement for Examinations ( University); Examinations will be conducted for outside world  such as TNPSC, Police or any other public Examinations.
To Make general arrangements for conducting any function such as water, flex, installing of flags etc.
23 Security Committee Mr. C. Devendran (AO) ( Convener )
Mr. S. Sathyendran ( Physical Director) Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 2 Per Year
To maintain duty chart of securities in the Boys Hostel Girls Hostel and in College Main Gate.
To scrutinize the records available with security periodically for proper maintenance.
24 Mineral Water, Bio – Gas Plant and Herbal Garden Maintenance Committee Mr. G. Karunakaran ( AP/CIVIL)  (Convener)
Mr. M. Balamurugan (AP/Maths)
( Dy. Warden/ Boys Hostel)
Mr. K. Vijay  ( Lab.Tech/Civil)
Mr. M. Ramaiah
( Mineral Water Plant Operator)
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 2 Per Year
To maintain the quality of mineral water by regular testing and maintenance.
To Maintain the functioning of Bio- Gas Plant
To Maintain the growth of plants in Herbal Garden.
25 Arrangement of Audio and Photography for all functions Dr. G. Mahendran  ( HOD/ECE)
Mr. N. Satheesh Kumar( Lab.Tech /ECE)
Mr. M. Vetrivel ( Lab.Tech./ECE)
Mr. G. Vijayakumar (Lab. Tech/ECE)
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 2 Per Year
To maintain all the equipments in that room in working condition.
To arrange Audio and Photography all functions will be conducted in the college.
26 Verandah Discipline Committee Staff Members deputed by respective HODs
Main Building Ground Floor:
South Wing – Civil HOD
North Wing – CSE HOD
Main Building First Floor:
South Wing – CSE HOD
North Wing – ECE & CSE HOD
Main Building Second Floor:
South Wing – HOD MATHS
North Wing – ECE HOD
Mechanical Block – MECH HOD
  1. Faculty members deputed by HOD ECE & HOD CSE
  2. Canteen Committee Members
  3. Physical Director
Between Main Building & Auditorium
Faculty members deputed by HOD Mech. HOD EEE & HOD Civil
To maintain strict discipline among the students in the verandah during tea break and lunch break by making regular rounds.
27 Academic Calendar and College News Letter Committee Dr. S. Aiswariya ( ASP/EEE) (Convener)
Mrs. G. Bharathi  (AP/ECE)
Mrs. G. Rajeswari ( AP/Civil)
Mr. P. Senthil Kumar (AP/Mech.)
Mrs. K. Meenaloshini ( AP/CSE)
Ms. P. Deepika ( AP/AIDS)
Mr. G. G. Naganathan (AP/Chemistry)
Dr. R. Kavitha ( HOD/English)
Mrs. I. Joes Miranda (AP/CSE)
Mrs. M. Sharmila Devi( AP/MBA)
Mr. M. Dhivan Dul Hag ( Lab.Tech./CSE)
Mr. S. Nagarajan ( Library Assistant )
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 2 Per Year
To prepare and publish the academic calendar at the beginning of every semester.
To prepare and publish College Annual Magazine or News Letter at the end of every academic year.
28 Internal Compliance  Committee and Girls Hostel Committee       Dr. A. Valanarasi ( ASP /ECE)
 ( Convener)
Dr. S. Murugeswari (ASP/ECE)
( Co – Convener )
Dr. A. Kanmani (HOD/CSE)
Dr. B. Jayalakshmi (I Year Coordinator)
Dr. S. Aiswariya ( ASP /EEE)
Ms. J. Esther Baby ( AP/ Civil)
Ms. R. Abarna (AP/MBA)
Mrs. M. Jeyashree ( AP/CSE)
Mrs. K. Dhivya ( AP/ English )
Ms. N. Subathara (AP/ English )
Girls Hostel Staff Members
& Student Representatives from Each Department Nominated by Concerned HODs Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 4 Per Year
To redress the problems of aggrieved girl students as and when necessary. To make frequent visits to monitor the regular activities of the girls hostel. To conduct periodical meetings with student representatives to redress their grievances.
29 Muslim Prayer Hall Committee for Boys
& Admission Campaign to Various Mosques in Ramanathapuram District
Prof. J. Sakubar Sadiq  ( ASP /ECE)
( Convener)
Mr. M. Moahmed Faizal ( AP/ ECE )
Mr. M. Dhivan Dul Hag ( Lab.Tech./CSE)
Mr. S. Mohamed Ibrahim ( Lab.Tech./CSE)
& Student Representatives from Each Department Nominated by Concerned HODs
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 2 Per Year
To make proper prayer arrangements for Muslim boys during regular days as well as during Friday and for other students during any event or functions organized in the college.
To Make Arrangements for Printing of Admission Related Materials for campaigning various mosques in Ramanathapuram District during admission time.
30 Muslim Prayer Hall Committee for Girls Mrs. J. Nishath Begam ( AP/Mathematics)
( Convener )
Dr. S.M. H. Sithi Shameem Fathima ( Prof. /CSE)
Ms. H. Safana Begam ( AP/ECE)
& Student Representatives from Each Department Nominated by Concerned HODs
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 2 Per Year
To make proper prayer arrangements for Muslim boys during regular days as well as during Friday and for other students during any event or functions organized in the college.
31 ISTE Committee   Dr. S. M. H. Sithi Shameem Fathima ( Prof./ CSE )
Mr. R. Karthik Kumar ( AP/EEE )
Mr. M. Mohamed Faizal ( AP/ECE)
Ms. I. Cithi Farhana ( AP/CSE)
Mrs. D. Sathya  (AP/AIDS)
Mr. R. Gautham Praveen ( AP/CSBS )
Mrs. T. Akshaya (AP/Civil)
Mrs. M. Uma (Lab. Tech/ECE)
& Student Representatives from Each Department Nominated by Concerned HODs
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 2 Per Year
To promote ISTE membership among students in the college.
To conduct mini project competition for all third year students during even semester in every year.
32 PTA Committee Dr. S. Murugeswari (ASP/ECE)
( Convener)
Mrs. N. Karthika Devi ( ASP/ ECE)
Mr. C. Thiruganam  (AP/Mech.)
Mrs. M. Sangeetha (AP/EEE)
Mrs. B. Nithya Kalyani ( AP/CSE)
Mrs. P. Deepika ( AP/AIDS)
Mrs. N. Maheswari (AP/MBA)
Mrs. T. Akshaya (AP/Civil)
Mr. G. G. Naganathan (AP/Chemistry)
Ms. N. Subathra (AP/English)
Mrs. K. Dhivya (AP/English)
& Student Representatives from Each Department Nominated by Concerned HODs
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 2 Per Year
To conduct one PTA meeting for every class in each year and collect feedback from parents or guardians.
At the end of each meeting consolidate the feedback obtained from parents/Guardians and submit it to the Principal and Correspondent for necessary action.
The corrective actions taken for the feedback given by the parents should be sent to the parents for their knowledge and perusal.
33 IEEE  & IETE Students Chapter Committee  Dr. G. Mahendran ( HOD- ECE)
( Convener )
Dr. R. Nagarajan ( Prof /EEE)
Dr. A. Valanarasi (ASP/ECE)
Mrs. N. Karthikadevi (AP/ECE)
& Student Representatives from Department Nominated by the HOD
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 2 Per Year
To promote IEEE membership among students in the college and to conduct IEEE activities in the college.
34 CSI Students Chapter Committee Mrs. B. Nithya Kalyani, AP/CSE (Convener)
Mrs. M. Suganya ( AP/CSE )
Ms. P. Deepika ( AP/AIDS)
Ms. I. Joes Miranada ( AP / CSE )
Ms. B. Ramathilagam ( Lab. Tech/CSE)
& Student Representatives from Department Nominated by the HOD
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 2 Per Year
To Promote CSI chapter membership among students in the college. To conduct student related CSI chapter activities in the college.
35 NSS Unit Incharge
YRC and Blood Donors Club  Committee
Unnat Bharat Abiyan Scheme
Mr. G. S. Naganathan (ASP/EEE)
( Convener for NSS )
Mr. G.G. Naganathan ( AP / Chemistry )
( Convener for UBA )
Mr. M. Paul Jeyaraj (AP/EEE)
Mrs. N. Karthika Devi (AP/ECE)
Mr. R. Raja (AP/Mech.)
Ms. I. Jaambavi ( AP/Civil)
Mrs. M. Suganya ( AP/AIDS)
Ms. R. Abarna ( AP/MBA)
Mrs. K. Meenaloshini ( AP/CSE)
Mr. T. Ilayarajan ( HOD/Physics)
& Student Representatives from Each Department Nominated by Concerned HODs
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 2 Per Year
To conduct NSS related activities in the college.
To promote and conduct YRC & Blood Donors Club related activities in the college Promoting and Disseminating Unnat Bharat Abiyan Related events in nearby adopted villages in a prescribed intervals
36 Institute of Engineers     (IE) students chapter Committee
& Renewable Energy Club
& MSME Students Chapter      
Dr. K. Senthil Kumar ( Prof./ Mech)
 ( Convener )
Dr. N. Kirubanadasarathy  (Prof. /ECE)
Dr. G.S. Naganathan (ASP/EEE)
Mrs. M. Jeyashree (AP/CSE)
Mr. G.  Manikandan ( AP/Civil)
Mr. C. Thiruganam (AP/ MECH.)
Mr. T. Vinoth (Lab. Tech/ Mech)
& Student Representatives from Each Department Nominated by Concerned HODs
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 2 Per Year
To Promote IE chapter membership among students in the college. To conduct student related IE chapter activities in the college.
To conduct the awareness programme and activities related to the importance of renewable energy regularly.
To monitor the maintenance of bio – gas plant in the boys hostel.
37 AU - QIC Cell Committee Mrs. S. Mugesh Bala (AP/CSE)
 ( Convener)
Mr. K. Karthik Kumar (AP/EEE)
Mrs. N. Karthikadevi ( AP/ECE)
Mr. T. Dharmaprabahkaran (AP/Mech.)
Ms. J. Esther Baby (AP/Civil)
Mrs. M. Sharmila Devi ( AP/MBA)
Dr. R. Kavitha (HOD/English)
& Student Representatives from Each Department Nominated by Concerned HODs
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 2 Per Year
To promote and conduct AU - QIC Cell related activities in the college
38 Rotract Club Committee Dr. A. Kanmani ( Prof.& Head, CSE) ( Convener )
Dr. N. Karthikeyan ( HOD/AI DS)
Mr. T. Arunprasath ( AP/EEE)
& Student Representatives from Each Department Nominated by Concerned HODs
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 2 Per Year
To promote and conduct Rotract Club related activities in the college
39 Entrepreneur Development Cell
Dr. K. Jeyabalan ( ASP/MBA)
 ( HOD/ MBA) ( Convener)
Dr. M. Senthil Kumar (ASP/EEE)
Mr. R. Raja(AP/Mech.)
Mr. M. Mohamed Faizal (AP/ECE)
Mrs. P. Deepika ( AP/ AIDS )
Mr. B. John Samuel (AP/CSE)
Mrs. K. Jeyasudha (AP/ECE)
Ms. N. Subathra (AP/English)
Mrs. M. Sharmila Devi ( AP/MBA)
& Student Representatives from Each Department Nominated by Concerned HODs
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 2 Per Year
To promote and conduct EDC related activities in the college
40 IETE Chapter Mrs. N. Karthika Devi (AP/ECE)
 ( Convener)
Dr. A. Valanarasi (ASP/ECE)
Mr. B. Saravanan (AP/ECE)
Mrs. G. Bharathi (AP/ECE)
Ms. M. Minhaj Begam (AP/ECE)
Mr. M. Vetrivel (Lab. Tech/ECE)
& Student Representatives from Department Nominated by the Concerned HOD
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 2 Per Year
To promote and conduct IETE Club related activities in the college
41 Ramanujam – Morgan Mathematics Club Mrs. V. Velvizhi (AP/Mathematics)
& Faculty members of Mathematics Department as well as from other departments deputed by the respective HODs
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 2 Per Year
To promote and conduct RMM Club related activities in the college
42 Elite Club, Compering Committee and Preparation of College Annual Report for the College   Dr. R. Kavitha (AP & HOD/English)
( Convener) & Faculty members of English Department
& Student Representatives from Each Department Nominated by Concerned HODs
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 2 Per Year
To promote and conduct Elite Club related activities in the college.
To do compering for the general functions organized in the college
To prepare the Annual Report for the college day functions.
43 Sports Committee   Mr. S. Sathyendran ( Physical Director) Convener
Prof. J. Sakubar Sadiq ( ASP/ ECE)
Dr. S. Aiswariya (ASP/EEE)
Mr. G. T. Arunprasath ( AP/EEE)
Dr. R. Kavitha ( AP/ English)
Mrs. N. Karthika Devi ( AP/ECE )
Mr. T. Dharmaprabhakaran ( AP/Mech.)
Mr. P. Senthilkumar ( AP/Mech.)
Mr. G. Karunakaran ( AP/Civil)
Mr. M. Balamurugan ( AP/Maths.)
Mrs. N. Maheswari ( AP/MBA )
Mrs. A. Ramalakshmi  ( AP/MBA)
Mr. T. Ilayarajan ( AP/Physcis)
Mr. G. Vijayakumar (Lab. Tech./ECE)
Mr. M. Dhivan Dul Hag (Lab.Tech.,/CSE)
& Student Representatives from Each Department Nominated by Concerned HODs
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 2 Per Year
To promote and develop sports activities in the college among students and staff members.

To organize intra college and inter college sports events in the college.

To accompany with students for sports events to be organized in other colleges.
44 AICTE – Approval and Anna University  – Affiliation Process Committee Dr. M. Periyasamy  (Principal ) (Convener)
Dr. G. Mahendran   ( HOD/ECE)
Dr. S. Karthikeyan ( HOD/MECH)
Dr. A. Kanmani ( HOD/CSE )
Dr. N. Karthikeyan ( HOD/AIDS)
Dr. R. Nagarajan  (HOD/EEE)
Prof. G. Palani Selvan (HOD/Civil)
Mrs. T. M. Devi ( HOD/CSBS)
Dr. B. Jayalakshmi ( I Year Coordinator )
Dr. R. Meikanda Ganesh Kumar (HOD/MBA)
Mr. C. Devendran (AO)
Mr. R. Chellapandian ( OS )
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 2 Per Year
To do works related to AICTE Approval and Anna University Affiliation process.
45 Anti – Ragging Committee Dr.M. Periyasamy (Principal)
Dr. G. Mahendran ( HOD/ECE)
Dr. S. Karthikeyan ( HOD/MECH)
Dr.A. Kanmani(HOD/CSE)
Dr. N. Karthikeyan ( HOD/AIDS)
Dr. R. Nagarajan (HOD/EEE)
Dr. S. Murugeswari ( HOD / BME )
Mrs. T. M. Devi ( HOD/CSBS)
Prof. G. PalaniSelvan (HOD/Civil)
Dr. B. Jayalakshmi (I Year Coordinator )
Dr.R. Meikanda Ganesh Kumar (HOD/MBA)
Mr. M. Balamurugan (AP/Maths)
( Dy. Warden/ Boys Hostel)
Mrs. B. Muniyammal ( Matron – Girls Hostel )
Mr. S. Karuppiah
Deputy Thasildhar, Flying Squad
Mr. M. Senthil Kumar
Parent Representative
Mr. P. S. Satheesh
Student Representative
Mr. Dhanabalan
Media Representative
Mrs. D. Amutha
Police Representative
NGO Representative
To look into various aspects of ragging means and methods to prevent it.

Possible action that can be taken against those who involve in it and action against offenders in the event of ragging.
46 Grievance Redressal Committee Dr. M. Periyasamy (Principal ) (Convener)
Dr. G. Mahendran ( HOD/ECE)
Dr. S. Karthikeyan ( HOD/MECH)
Dr.A. Kanmani(HOD/CSE)
Dr. N. Karthikeyan ( HOD/AIDS)
Dr. R. Nagarajan (HOD/EEE)
Dr. S. Murugeswari ( HOD / BME )
Mrs. T. M. Devi ( HOD/CSBS)
Prof. G. PalaniSelvan (HOD/Civil)
Dr. B. Jayalakshmi (I Year Coordinator )
Dr.R. Meikanda Ganesh Kumar (HOD/MBA)
Mr. M. Balamurugan (AP/Maths)
Dr. S. M. H. SithiShameemFathima (Prof./CSE)
Dr. A. Valanarasi ( ASP/ ECE )
Mr. S. Sathiyendran ( Physical Director)
To Look and resolve the various grievances addressed by the Students, Faculty and Staff Members.
47 Internal Compliant Committee Dr. A. Valanarasi ( ASP/ ECE )

Dr. S. Murugeswari (HOD/BME)
( Co – Convener )
Dr. S.M.H. SithiShameemFathima ( Prof./CSE)
Dr. A. Kanmani (HOD/CSE)
Dr. B. Jayalakshmi (I Year Coordinator)
Dr. S. Aiswariya ( ASP /EEE)
Ms. R. Abarna (AP/MBA)
Mrs. M. Jeyashree ( AP/CSE)
Ms. B. Ramathilagam ( Lab. Instructor, CSE Department )
Mrs. M. Uma ( Lab. Instructor, ECE Department )
Ms. B. FathimaRajiba
Student Representative
Ms. P. Priyadharshini
Student Representative
To redress the problems of aggrieved girl students as and when necessary.

To make frequent visits to monitor the regular activities of the girls hostel.

To conduct periodical meetings with student representatives to redress their grievances.
To organize the events related to gender sensitization.
48 SC/ST Committee Dr. N. Kirubanandasarthy ( Prof. /ECE )
( Convener )

Dr. S. Murugeswari (HOD/BME)
Dr. K. Senthilkumar (Prof./Mechanical )
Mr. R. Raja ( AP/MECH.)
Mr. T. Arunprasath ( AP/EEE)
Ms. T. Akshaya ( AP/Civil)
Mr. S. Govindaraj ( Lab. Instructor, EEE Department )
Dr. V. Krishnan ( Librarian)
To redress the problems of SC/ST students as and when necessary.

To Motivate the SC/ST students to perform well in academics, extra-curricular and Co- Curricular activities.

To provide awareness about various governments related to SC/ST students.
49 Institute Industry Cell Dr. R. Meikanda Ganesh Kumar
( HOD/ MBA) ( Convener)

Dr. M. Senthil Kumar (ASP/EEE)
Dr. R. Raja (AP/Mech.)
Mrs. N. Karthika Devi (AP/ECE)
Mr. B. John Samuel (AP/CSE)
Ms. N. Subathra (AP/English)
Mrs. N. Maheswari (AP/MBA)

Industry Representatives
1. Mr. I. Mohamad Abdul Nazar
Senior Architect, Moving Walls

2. Er. S. Praveen Kumar
Proprietor, Quantum Tech
To promote and conduct Institute Industry related activities in the college.
To Conduct seminars, Guest lectures by industry experts.
50 Academic Council Committee Dr. M. Periyasamy (Principal)
( Convener)
Dr. G. Mahendran ( HOD/ECE)
Dr. S. Karthikeyan ( HOD/MECH)
Dr. A. Kanmani(HOD/CSE)
Dr. N. Karthikeyan ( HOD/AI &DS)
Dr. R. Nagarajan  (HOD/EEE)
Prof. G. Palani Selvan (HOD/Civil)
Mrs. T. M. Devi ( HOD/CSBS)
Dr. B. Jayalakshmi ( I Year Coordinator )
Dr. R. Meikanda Ganesh Kumar (HOD/MBA)
& Other Functional Heads
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 3 Per Month

The committee has the responsibility to undertake and execute various activities related to academic and administration.

(Internal Quality Audit Cell )
Dr. M. Periyasamy (Principal)
( Convener)
Dr. G. Mahendran ( HOD/ECE)
Dr. S. Karthikeyan ( HOD/MECH)
Dr. A. Kanmani(HOD/CSE)
Dr. N. Karthikeyan ( HOD/AIDS)
Dr. R. Nagarajan  (HOD/EEE)
Prof. G. Palani Selvan (HOD/Civil)
Mrs. T. M. Devi ( HOD/CSBS)
Dr. B. Jayalakshmi ( I Year Coordinator )
Dr. R. Meikanda Ganesh Kumar (HOD/MBA)
Mr. G. T. Arun Prasath ( AP/EEE)
( Placement Officer )
& External members Such as Representation from Parent, Student, Alumni and Industrialists.
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 2 Per Year
  To maintain modify and assure the quality management system for the institution.
52 LFA & Iniya Tamil Sangam Dr. R. Kavitha ( AP /English ) ( Convener )
Dr. S. Murugeswari ( ASP/ECE)
Dr. S. M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima
Mrs. M. Suganya ( AP/CSE)
Dr. K. Senthilkumar (Prof. /Mech.)
Mr. P. Senthilkumar (AP/Mech.)
Mr. G. Manikanadan ( AP/Civil)
Mrs. J. Nishath Begam ( AP/Maths)
Mrs. P. R. Amuthashri ( AP/Maths )
Mrs. A. Ramalakshmi  ( AP/MBA)
Ms. B. Ramathilagam (Lab.Tech./CSE)
Mrs. M. Uma (Lab. Tech/ECE)
Mr. T. Vinoth (Lab. Tech/ Mech)
& Cultural Scrutiny by
All HODs 
& Student Representatives from Each Department Nominated by Concerned HODs
Minimum Frequency of Meeting Required : 1 Per Year
To conduct events related to Tamil Sangam and cultural programs both inside and outside the college.
53 ARIIA Ranking Process; Maintenance of IIC ( Institute Innovation Council ) and Applying for CII Survey Every Year
NIRF Ranking Process
& AISHE ( All India Survey on Higher Education )
Mrs. M. Shanmuga Sundari ( AP/Mathematics )
( Convener)
Mrs. N. Karthiga Devi ( AP/ECE)
Mr. T. Dharmaprabakaran ( AP/MECH )
Mr. B. John Samuel (AP/CSE)
Mr. M. Paul Jeya Raj (AP/EEE)
Ms. T. Akshaya (AP/Civil)
Mrs. J. Nishath Begam ( AP/Mathematics )
Ms. R. Abarna ( AP/MBA)
To Apply for ARIIA Ranking Process Every year and Maintain IIC ( Institute Innovation Council ) active. Details to be in CII portal for CII survey every year. 
To Apply for NIRF Ranking Process Every year and Details to be entered in AISHE portal for every year.
54 Conduction of Independence Day, Republic Day and Maintenance of Sports Articles, Grounds and Flag Posts Mr. S. Sathyendran ( Physical Director)
Mr. M. Ramaiah ( Marker )
Students Volunteers from Sports Committee.
55 NPTEL Local Chapter Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn (AP/ECE) ( Convener ) & Student Representatives from Each Department Nominated by Concerned HODs
And Representatives from Each Department
Promoting NPTEL courses related activities among faculty members and students and maintain the record of certification of faculty members and students during every semester.  
56 Conduction of Graduation Day, College Day and Sports Day Conducted by Committees formulated during that time. To conduct the Graduation Day and Annual Day and Sports Day in smooth manner.
57 Admission Cell Dr. G. Mahendran ( HOD/ECE)
( Convener)
Mr. T. Dharmaprabhakaran (AP/Mech.)
( Co- Convener)
Dr. S. Murugeswari ( ASP/ECE)
Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn (AP/ECE)
Mr. P. Senthilkumar (AP/Mech.)
Dr. M. Senthilkumar (AP/EEE)
Mr. G. T. Arunprasath ( AP/EEE)
Mr. G. Karunakaran (AP/Civil)
Mr. G. Manikandan AP/Civil
Dr. K. Jeyabalan ( ASP/MBA )
Mr. N. Saranraj  ( AP /Civil)
Dr. V. Krishnan Librarian
Mrs. V. Velvizhi (AP/Mathematics)
Mr. M. Vetrivel ( Lab.Tech./ECE)
Ms. B. Ramathilagam ( Lab.Tech./CSE)
Mr. C. Govindaraj  ( Lab. Tech/EEE)
For Minority Admission
Dr. S. M. H. Sithi Shameem Fathima (Prof./ECE) ( Convener )
Prof. J. Sakubar Sadiq ( ASP/ECE)
Mr. M. Mohamed Faizal  ( AP/ ECE )
Mr. S. Salahuddin  (Lab.Tech /MECH. )
Mr. M. Dhivan Dul Hag ( Lab.Tech./CSE)
Mr. S. Mohamed Ibrahim ( Lab.Tech./CSE)
For Paramakudi Admission
Dr. G.S. Naganathan (ASP/EEE)
Mr. G. G. Naganathan ( AP/Chemistry)
To do works related to admission process.
58 Alumni Association
& Maintenance of Records of Association Activities Conducted during Every Saturday Afternoon 
Mr. M. Paul Jeya Raj ( AP/EEE) 
( Convener )
Mrs. K. Karthika Devi ( AP / ECE )
Mrs. B. Nithya Kalyani ( AP/CSE)
Mr. G. Manikandan (AP/Civil)
Mr. T. Dharmaprabhakaran (AP/Mech.)
Ms. R. Abarna ( AP/MBA)
To make arrangements for Alumni Meet in Chennai or Whichever location convenient to the Alumni and HODs.
Maintenance of Records of Alumni visited in our college as and when occurred.
Maintenance of Alumni Records.
Maintenance of Records of Technical and Non-Technical Activities conducted during Every Saturday Afternoon  for NAAC and NBA Records.
59 SAIIC ( Syed Ammal Innovation and Incubation Council ) Dr. N. Karthikeyan (HOD/AIDS) CEO i/c(Convener )
Dr. B. Jayalakshmi( I Year Coordinator )
Dr. N. Kirubanadasarathy  (Prof. /ECE)
Dr. K. Senthil Kumar (Prof./MECH)
Mr. G. T. Arun Prasath ( AP/EEE)
Mrs. G. Rajeswari ( AP/Civil )
Mr. R. Gautham Praveen ( AP/CSBS)
Mrs. M. Shanmuga Sundari ( AP/Mathematics )
Mr. S. Salahuddin  (Lab.Tech /MECH. )
Ms. B. Ramathilagam ( Lab.Tech./CSE)
Mr. N. Satheeskumar ( Lab.Tech./ECE)
Mr. S. Mohamed Ibrahim ( Lab.Tech./CSE)
Mr. T. Lakshmanakumar ( Electrician)
To Conduct various activities related to SAIIC
60 Naan Mudhalvan Scheme Dr. A. Valanarasi  (ASP/ECE)
( Convener)
Dr. G. S. Naganathan ( ASP/EEE)
Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn (AP/ECE)
Mr. T. Dharmaprabhakaran (AP/Mech.)
Mr. G. Manikandan ( AP/Civil )
Mrs. B. Nithya Kalyani ( AP/CSE )
Mrs. P. Deepika ( AP/AIDS)
Mr. R. Gautham Praveen ( AP/CSBS)
Dr. R. Kavitha ( HOD/English)
Mrs. M. Shanmuga Sundari
( AP/Mathematics )
To do the works related to effective implementation of Naan Mudhalvan Scheme
Copy to
  1. All HODs ( Signed E- Copy Only )
  2. All Conveners &Faculty Members & Staff Members ( Through Concerned HODs& Conveners - Signed E- Copy Only )
  3. Office ( Signed Copy )