Academic Programmes
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Syed Ammal Trust
S.No Name of the Member Designation Profession
1. Dr. Babu Abdullah MBBS Managing Trustee & Correspondent, SAHSS Medical Practitioner
2. Dr. Chinnadurai Abdullah MD, DMRD Member &
Correspondent, SAEC
3. Dr. Syedha Abdullah MBBS, DGO Member &
Correspondent, NAMMHS
4. Thiru. Chelladurai Abdullah Member &
Correspondent, SAASC
5. Mrs. Rajathi Abdullah Member &
Correspondent, SAMHS
6. Mrs. C. AbithaThusneem MBA ( Hospital Administration ) Member Hospital Admin.
7. Dr. B. Shifa Babu MD, DM ( Hepatology) Member Hepatologist
8. Dr. C. Farook Abdullah MS (Gen.), MCH (Pedi. Surg.) Member Pediatric Surgeon
9. Dr. J. Fathima Shinas MS (OG) Member Gynecologist
10. Dr. C. Rasika MS (OG) Member Gynecologist
11. Dr. B. Aqila MD (Pedia.), Member Pediatrician
12. Dr. C. Ejas Abdullah MD (Anes.) Member Anesthesiologist
13. Dr. J. Haris Abdullah MS (Ortho.) Member Orthopedician
14. Dr. C. Atif Abdullah MS (Gen. Surg.) Member General Surgeon
Responsibilities of Syed Ammal Trust
  • The trust meeting will be conducted once in a year or as and when required to review the functioning of the college and other institutions.
  • The members of the trust have the responsibility to decide and frame all policy matters related to governance of the college, starting of new courses, and closure of courses, additional buildings to be built up and appointment of faculty members at various cadres.
Other Institutions under Syed Ammal Trust
Name of the Organization Year of Inception
Syed Ammal Trust Hospital , Ramanathapuram 1954
Syed Ammal Higher Secondary School, Ramanathapuram 1965
Syed Ammal Martic Hr. Sec. School, Ramanathapuram 1974
Rasi Color Scans, Ramanathapuram 1992
National Academy Montessori Hr. Sec. School, Ramanathapuram 1994
National Academy Matric Hr. Sec. School, Uchipuli 2006
A.R. Multi-Specialty Hospital , Ramanathapuram 2007
National Academy School (ICSE), Ramanathapuram 2009
Syed Ammal Arts and Science College, Pullandhai 2010
National Academy School (CBSE), Ramanathapuram 2016