We SAEC, striving to provide quality and affordable education to the rural of people of this region. This would require committed faculty members and efficient administrators at the helm of the affairs in to attain the quality at every level. Keeping this in mind, power has been delegated to various authorities in order to handle the problems and needs at the grass root level. Also, the college has been certified by ISO 9001: 2008. We completely follow and adopt procedures mentioned in the ISO system of administration which encourages decentralization of the powers and every activity at all levels is well documented. This helps the management to administer the college with efficient system and maintains transparency at all levels. All these were manifested for well-being of the students till they complete their course. The administrative hierarchy of the institution with perfect decentralization is given in Figure 1. Also, the Role and Responsibilities of the individual member is also given below. |
Correspondent |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- As a management exemplary, the Correspondent assumes key role in the overall governance of the institution
- He is the supreme authority for the institution.
- Articulation of long-term policies by the Management.
- Overseer of policy implementation.
- Releasing funds according to the budgetary approvals and contingent cases on specific request.
- A constituent member of the Staff Selection Committee and approve all appointment and relieving orders.
- He is authorized to take decision on all college related activities.
- He is responsible for the conduct of Governing Council meeting and planning and monitoring committee meetings.
- Acquiring Endorsement of annual budget.
- Authorized to approve quality policy of the institution
Principal |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- Principal is an ex-official member of the governing council.
- Formulation of strategic planning for the expeditious implementation is the responsibility of the Principal.
- To ensure that the quality policy & objective is implemented and maintained.
- To define and approve the college Quality Objectives and to ensure that the policy is understood, implemented and maintained.
- He is authorized to take decision on all college related activities in consultation with Secretary and Correspondent.
- He assists the Secretary in the administrative activities.
- To approve Quality System Procedures, Quality System Manual and documents as Top Management.
- Responsible to explore the possibilities of introduction of new courses.
- Responsible for planning and implementing various welfare measures for faculty, staff and students.
- To approve and change IQA plan and MRM plan
- Principal is responsible for the conduct of all academic activities, which include
- To define the responsibility and authority of all teaching and non-teaching staff.
- To conduct HODs meeting periodically regarding the academic matters/monitoring
- To define the Quality Objectives in line with the Quality Policy and monitoring it periodically.
- Initiate corrective measures to be carried out within the time limit.
- Respond positively to all queries on the operational effectiveness of the quality management system.
- To make everything available for certification and surveillance audits.
- To respond readily to all quality improvement programmes.
- Responsible for procurement activities for the various requirements of the Institution.
- Responsible for student admission as per the norms in consultation with Secretary/Correspondent.
- Working towards fulfilling the requirements to obtain ISO 9001, NBA for all courses offered.
- To collaborate with the management in policy making and decision making on goal achievement and to prepare a master plan to transform the college as a center of excellence in a green campus.
- Adhering the norms of University, Director of Technical Education (DOTE) and All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE).
- Setting priorities for short term and long-term goals.
- Marching towards the Quality Policy, with prime importance to specific objectives, discipline and quality education.
- Training and appraising faculty members and managing curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
- Standardize and Streamline all the procedures to implement Quality Management System.
- Establish global contacts with industries, institutions, research and development Organizations, leading to MOU.
- Appreciate the worthy task, by the students and staff synergy.
- To bring out the natural talents of students and sharpen them.
- Activate placement service for students.
- Delegate H.O.Ds to accord sanction and approval for specific requirements and documents.
- Conducting both internal and external examinations as a Chief Superintendent.
- Identify and recommend standardization of various activities through appropriate software and hardware.
- Monitor the continual improvement of QMS and Procedures.
- Identify and conduct of in house programmes for the value addition of faculties, staff and students.
- Warden of both boys’ hostel and girls’ hostel.
Director –Research |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- Responsible to explore the possibilities of introduction of new avenues for R&D.
- Responsible to conduct or promote various activities related to R& D.
Vice Principal |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- To act as Principal in the absence of the Principal.
- To assist Principal in all his day to day activities.
HOD /Director-MBA/ HOD in-charge |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- Affiliating the activities of faculty and the supporting staff in the department towards
- Achieving the institutional goals and department objectives. Systematic, Planning and
- Supervision of overall activities with special reference to:
- Setting of time frame for syllabus coverage, internal examinations and dates for Closing and reopening of semester.
- To make effort to fulfill departmental requirements like staff, equipments, books, class- rooms and other learning materials.
- Preparation and submission of annual departmental budget to the Principal.
- Installing laboratories, Up-keeping and improving the existing laboratories.
- Conducting departmental staff meetings periodically.
- Act as a facilitator, motivate high achievers and encourage slow learners.
- Explore the opportunities for staff development programmes including projects and research for both teaching and non-teaching category.
- Coordinate with the Principal in the administration of the College.
- Reporting to the Principal regularly regarding academic activities.
- Co-ordinate with the University in curriculum upgradation.
- Enroll faculty members in professional organizations.
- Allocate and share workload evenly among the faculty.
- Delegation and Decentralization of Staff and Power.
- Fix deadline for the assigned work.
- Conduct class committee meeting involving student representatives.
- Identify and organize counseling programmes for the students through the Student Counselor / Class in-charges.
- Equip the faculty and students for accessibility to the National and International resource materials.
Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- The responsibilities of Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professorare spelt out
as follows:
- To co-ordinate with the head of the department in all academic and non- academic activities.
- Undertaking specific and special tasks assigned by the head of the department.
- Completion of Syllabus including practical.
- Close follow up of absenteeism.
- Answer script valuation and Mark statement submission as mentioned in the procedure.
- To act as invigilators and examiners during the conduct of examinations.
- To shoulder the responsibilities of the head of the department in his / her absence.
- Guiding students on specific task like educational tour, industrial visit, etc.
- Maintaining ethical standards both in and outside the campus on their part and students.
- Taking additional responsibilities like warden ship, timetable in-charge, Purchase In-charge, maintaining student record, sending progress report, getting student feedback, Student Counselor / Class in-charges and project guide etc.
- Attending FDP / Refresher Courses, Summer Schools, Winter Schools, and Seminar etc. to ensure that their knowledge level is enhanced continuously.
- To keep abreast of the state-of-art technologies in their field by utilizing journals in library.
- To grant leave for the students within his (or) her ambit.
- To grade individual performance and award internal marks.
- Maintains the course file with lesson plan; ensures that syllabus of each unit is covered in time; get the summary of class work and assessment and “Attendance record” certified by the HOD.
- Ensures that all Laboratory programs, projects are planned and completed well in time.
- Ensures that any arrears in the laboratory programs by any student by any reason are taken care of and the student is helped to complete the programme immediately.
- Faculty ensures that all the periodical tests and model examinations for theory and practical are held as shown in the calendar.
- Ensures that the students maintain their notebooks records etc. for the subjects systematically by making periodical random checks.
- Ensures that the course delivery is carried out efficiently and effectively preferably with the support of teaching aids and course files.
- Ensures that maximum possible references to various university questions are
made possible by widening the scope of question banks in advance to university examination.
- Ensures that students are encouraged and guided properly to participate in seminars, competitions, projects and visits.
- Ensures wherever necessary special classes are arranged and makes himself / herself available for the students seeking clarifications and to clear doubts.
- Faculty assists HOD in getting the exam result analysis, progress report, maintaining student record and feedback from students etc to ensure improvement wherever needed.
- Faculty assists in association meetings and assigned committees.
Class In-charge |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- The responsibilities of Class in-charge are spelt out as follows:
- Class in-charge takes the responsibility of the class.
- Class in-charge advises the student in all matters and helps them in curricular, extra-curricular, career development and personality related areas by analyzing their aptitudes, attitudes, talents, problems and offers suitable remedial action.
- Class in-charge works as a liaison officer or person between the student and parent on matters pertaining to them with particular emphasis on studies, attendance, performance and matters of discipline.
- Class in-charge keep constant touch with the members of faculty regarding discipline and academic program of the students.
- Class in-charge ensures that the results of the periodical tests, model examination and University examination are collected with analysis and acts on that by conveying to HODs, Principal and parents.
Student Counselor |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- The responsibilities of Student Counselor are spelt out as follows:
- Each Student Counselor takes the responsibility of maximum no. Of 20-30 students.
- Student Counselor advises the student in all matters and helps them in curricular, extra-curricular, career development and personality related areas by analyzing their aptitudes, attitudes, talents, problems and offers suitable remedial action.
- In carrying out the counseling process the Student Counselor establishes a system of consultation with the HOD and other connected faculty members and update the relevant information and requirements of his / her students.
- Student Counselor keep constant touch with the members of faculty regarding discipline and academic program of the students.
- Student Counselor counsels the students in respect of university examination and guide them for successful performance.
- Student Counselor help in spotting of talents among students, direct them to various activities and monitor their performance and progress.
- Student Counselor is expected to keep his / her own counseling file (student record) with all the information’s and correspondence to efficiently implement and monitor the effectiveness of counseling in achieving overall improvement of student performance and development.
Laboratory In-charges |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- Responsible for monitoring the operations and maintenance of Lab. equipments.
- Responsible for assisting and purchase of lab. equipments.
- Responsible to take necessary steps to replace the worn-out equipments.
- Responsible to maintain the stock and other relevant files and register for the laboratory assigned to them.
Laboratory Technician |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- Installation, Operation, Identification, Maintenance and service of repaired items of laboratory equipments / instruments / tools / accessories / spares etc.,
- Assistance in conducting laboratory sessions.
- Reporting the damages, worn-out parts to the HOD through lab-in charges and setting it right.
- Help faculty in consultancies and project test.
- Attending all other assignment assigned by the HOD.
- Assisting HOD for clerical works.
- Assigning unique identification number for all the equipment / instrument purchased.
- Assigning unique location for the items stored in the laboratory / workshop
- Carry out preventive maintenance as per plan and maintaining records for the same.
- Identifying the faulty equipment / instrument and taking necessary step to rectify the fault.
- Keeping the equipment/instruments/accessories etc., neat and tidy.
Administrative Officer |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- Responsible for the entire administration of the college activities in consultation with the Principal in matters related to:
- Approval process of existing courses, application of additional Courses and Increase in intake in existing branches (AICTE & AU)
- Keep all related documents of AICTE & Anna University
- Assist the Principal to conduct staff Interviews, keeping the all received applications, preparation of appointment orders, receiving the joining reports from recruited staff.
- Preparation and submission of promotion and salary fixation to Correspondent as per the qualification and experience of staff members in consultation with Principal.
- To assist the Correspondent and Principal in student admission process.(Fresh Admissions , Lateral Admissions , Transfer Admissions , Re-admissions)
- Keep Staff original Certificates and other achievement certificates etc.,
- Maintain Staff Service Registers, File (SR) and Staff disciplinary action files.
- Prepare Staff recruitment advertisements for publishing in dailies.
- Keep the records of relieved staff members.
- Keep all documents of Govt of Tamilnadu , AICTE , Anna Universities , DOTE and others.(Related to staff , students , admissions , fees collections , ragging and others).
- Keep all the legal records of Staff, Students, Suppliers and Others.
- Keep all original deeds and documents under safe custody. (MOUs, Land Documents , Receipts of Taxes paid, Building plans, Staff Bonds, and others)
- The maintenance of records and files related to all admissions. (Nominal Roll , Discontinued students details , shortage of attendance , long absentees , students medical leave and others)
- the issue of Mark Statements, Provisional Certificates, Degree Certificates, Transfer Certificates, Conduct Certificates and other certificates.
- Supervision of all Examination works. (Internal Exams , Model Exams and University Examinations-theory and practical , collecting questions papers for printing, issuing question papers to concern department )
- Maintenance of Exam related Files, Records, Exam Remuneration Bills, Issuing of Exam Hall tickets, No Dues Certificates, University Exam Hall Arrangements.
- Supervision of all types of Scholarships , Railway Concessions forms, Transport details (Driver Arrangement , Route Arrangement , Diesel Bills , Bata Register and others), despatch registers. ( Inward , Outward and Local tapals, distribution of the tapals to concern departments or incharges )
- Maintenance of all leave files and registers ( Casual Leave , permission , late , On Duty , Vacation , Medical Leave , Maternity Leave ), all attendance registers (Faculties , Non Teaching Staff , Administrative Staff , Hostel and Canteen Staff)
- Maintenance of Telephones , Xerox Machines , Fax Machines , Computers , Printers , Cash Counting Machine, Stationeries stock.
- Maintenance of Key movements (All departments and class rooms), furniture conditions, Supervision of Bell timings.
- Supervision all office automation works.
- The implementation of ISO 9001:2000 QMS standard requirements in office.
- Identification of training needs of the office staff.
- Execution all other works assigned by the Correspondent and Principal from time to time.
Office Superintendent |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- To act as Administrative Officer in the absence of the Administrative Officer.
- To assist Administrative Officer in all his day to day activities.
Accountant |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- Responsible for the following activities in consultation with the Office Superintendent:
- Writing & maintaining accounts, cash books / ledgers
- Preparation of monthly accounts including writing of cash books, journals
- Verifying of bills prepared
- Preparation & consolidation of budgets
- Cash collection
- Supervision of challan writing and remittance to bank
- Supervision of postal accounts
- Preparation of daily receipts &challans and submission of associated details along with remittance details to Principal for scrutiny
- Verification of cheques & bills
- Writing daily collection register for college accounts, hostel etc,.
- Writing demand draft register, money value register
- Preparation of audit reports & replies
- Responsible of keeping the following in safe custody
- Bill books / receipt books
- Files
- Registers
- Cash books
- Ledgers
- Vouchers
- Cheque books / pass books
- Bank challans
- Fixed deposit certificates
- Other important office documents
- Preparation of salary reports
- Preparation of acquaintance and getting of signatures
- Attending to the subject of income tax
- Writing Caution deposit register
Cashier |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- Collection of all types of fees.
- Writing challan and remittance to bank
Admission and Exam clerk |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- Keeping custody of all original certificates
- Closing of daily attendance
- Writing Application form register
Scholarship clerk |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- Responsible of keeping the following in safe custody
- Scholarship forms
- Distribution and collection of Scholarship forms
- Preparing the forms ready.
Transport clerk |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- Preparation of students list of boarding the vehicle.
- Preparation of “fees paid students” list.
- Maintaining the details of Drivers/Conductors up-to-date.
- Keeping the relevant documents related to the vehicles, in safe custody.
Despatch clerk |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- Making entry to all letters received.
- Sending the letters to the concerned persons for verification and information.
- Keeping the relevant records in safe custody.
Office Assistant |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- Communicating all the office correspondence to respective department staff.
Driver / Conductor |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- Responsible to maintain all transport vehicles in good condition
- Attending to work related to issue of bus pass
Electrician / Plumber |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- Responsible for the maintenance of building and general equipments
Gardener |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- Responsible for filling water in all tanks of the college campus.
- Responsible for watering the garden/construction works in the college campus.
- Helping in the food supply during peak hours in the boys hostel.
Sweepers |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- Responsible for the house keeping of campus and buildings.
- Responsible for opening and closing of class rooms daily.
- Responsible for depositing the keys in the office every day.
- Responsible for depositing the lost and found articles in the Office every day.
- Responsible for the respective wings cleanliness of toilets, class rooms, verandahs daily.
- Responsible for the respective wings windows, doors, roof, benches etc., cleaning every week.
- Responsible for doing the works assigned during functions and programmes in the Seminar hall.
- Responsible for distributing the parcels and bundles to the Departments as a team.
- Responsible for washing the canteen every week Saturday.
Sergeant |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- Supervision of construction works.
Librarian |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- To achieve optimum efficiency of Library resources.
- Collection and Processing of indent from various departments.
- Procurement and Maintenance of books, journals.
- Overall supervision of Library activities
- Protecting important volumes, records and discard of the obsolete.
- Ensure the modern trend in updating the library.
- Ensure the user satisfaction by collecting the feedback and by personal enquiry.
Assistant Librarian |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- Assisting the Librarian in all types of work.
- Maintaining silence during library working hours
- Keeping of all files and registers.
- Preparation of consolidated monthly reports of the usage like issues returns and entry registers.
- Responsible for issue, returns and renewal of books and journals
Library Assistant |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- Automation entry
- Maintenance of digital library systems, CD, DVD Floppies.
- Issue and returns of CD, DVD
- Keeping digital library files and registers.
- Preparation of consolidated monthly reports of the usage
Library office Assistant |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- Responsible for the arrangement of book in racks.
- Responsible for taking Xerox and maintaining the bill books
- Responsible for the Cleanliness of the library.
Deputy Warden (Boys & Girls) |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- Assist the Warden in his duties.
- Supervise the discipline of students during study hour, silence hour and in dining hall
- Admission of students and allocation of living rooms through lot system.
- Creation of homely atmosphere inside the hostel.
- Coordinating the activities of the sub-wardens.
- Ensuring prompt housekeeping.
- Health Care and Welfare activities for the inmates.
- Adhering the rules and regulations of hostel indiscriminately.
- Conduct Hostel Representative meeting to discuss relevant issues every month second Wednesday.
- Grant permission, leave to stay inside (or) to go outside the hostel campus.
- Ensure approved remedial measures for defaulting students.
Sub-warden (Boys & Girls Hostel) |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- In-charge of one wing and also for a year students
- In-charge of sanctioning leave to the concern students.
- Helping Deputy Warden in verifying Mess Bills.
- Supervise the discipline of students during study hour, silence hour and in dining hall
- Creation of homely atmosphere inside the hostel.
- Health Care and Welfare activities for the inmates.
- Adhering the rules and regulations of hostel indiscriminately.
- Ask clarification for defaults
Mess Manager (Hostel) |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- In-charge of the kitchen store-room
- Maintaining hostel account and records.
- Purchase of quality food materials at competitive prices.
- Responsible for distributing the cooking materials to mess workers
- Preparation of bills and passing them for payment.
- Verifying Carpentry, electrical work in the hostel.
- Responsible for Water facilities.
- Supervising the dining hall during breakfast, lunch and dinner.
- Preparation of mess bill.
- Supervising the mess workers and sweepers.
- Supervising the cleanliness in and around the hostel.
Mess workers |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- Preparing and serving food for the student and staff in the hostel
- Preventive maintenance of kitchen equipment
- Maintaining housekeeping of the dining hall
Physical Director (PD) |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- Budgeting for the Year-regarding sports activities.
- Undertaking State Level tournaments and conducting them successfully.
- Attending Physical Directors’ Meeting.
- Participating in advanced training programmes.
- Inculcating a strong code of discipline in sports among the students.
- Developing inter-personal relationship with various departments.
- Select Participants for the competing team at the College level tournaments.
- Arranging coaching camps and friendly matches for the Players.
- To insist mandatory practice for the team players.
Marker |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- Assisting P.D in the sports activities
NSS Programme Officer |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- Conducting NSS programme as per plan and submitting report
Training and Placement Officer (TPO) |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- Identifying the training needs of students in II,III and IV year by obtaining one-page response sheet from them
- Identify and arrange for internal/external resource persons according to the need
- Arrange for industrial canvass by appropriate students with the help of placement coordinators/HOD
- Organise periodical tests for aptitude/mock GDs/mock interviews for students with the help of Placement coordinators/HODs/alumni
- Arrange for Industrial visits and In-plant training in consultation with HODs and obtain brief report with proof for the industrial visit/in-plant training
- Organising interaction with alumni and current students
- Organizing and conducting On/Off campus interviews and maintaining records for the placement of students.
Transport in- charge |
Responsibility & Authority: |
- Sanctioning of leave to drivers and conductors.
- Maintaining files for the leave letters of the drivers and conductors.
- Supervision of daily maintenance of vehicles ( tinkering, greasing, air check-up etc., )
- Verification of diesel bills, workshop bills of vehicles.
- Arranging Eye Check-ups periodically (Once in a semester) for drivers