Laboratory In-charge :Ms.J.Esther Baby
Area of the Laboratory: 22.36 m X 9.11 m = 203.699 sq.m
Total Cost of the Equipment: Rs.9,24,112.265 |
List of Equipments:
Concrete Laboratory |
Highway Laboratory |
- Abrasion Testing Machine
- Flow Table
- Vee-bee Consistometer
- Compactor Factor Test Apparatus
- Impact Test Apparatus
- Field Density Apparatus
- Ductility Machine
- Penetrometer
- Marshall Stability Machine
- Stripping Apparatus
- Bitumen Extractor
- Concrete Mixer
The following are the courses conducted in this laboratory, |
Sl. No |
Subject Codes |
Subject Name |
Semester & Department |
1 |
CE8311 |
Construction Materials Laboratory |
3rd Semester - CIVIL |
2 |
CE8611 |
Highway Engineering Laboratory |
6th Semester - CIVIL |
3 |
CE8811 |
Project Work |
8th Semester - CIVIL |
Surveying Laboratory: |
Laboratory In-charge :Ms.G.Rajeswari
Area of the Laboratory: 11.66 m X 9.11 m = 106.22 sq.m
Total Cost of the Equipment: Rs.9,91,734.995 |
List of Equipments: |
- Chains & its accessories
- Theodolite
- Dumpy Level
- Prismatic and Surveyor Compass
- Plane Table Apparatus
- Total Station
The following are the courses conducted in this laboratory, |
Sl. No |
Subject Codes |
Subject Name |
Semester & Department |
1 |
CE8361 |
Surveying Laboratory |
3rd Semester - CIVIL |
2 |
CE8513 |
Survey Camp |
5th Semester - CIVIL |
Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory: |
Laboratory In-charge :Ms.T.Akshaya
Area of the Laboratory: 20.37 m X 9.11 m = 185.57sq.m
Total Cost of the Equipment: Rs.11,82,049 |
List of Equipments: |
- Reciprocating Pump
- Venturimeter / Orifice meter
- Centrifugal Pump
- Pelton Wheel Turbine
- Francis Turbine
- Gear Pump
The following are the courses conducted in this laboratory, |
Sl. No |
Subject Codes |
Subject Name |
Semester & Department |
1 |
CE8461 |
Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory |
4th Semester - CIVIL |
2 |
CE8381 |
Strength of Materials & Fluid Mechanics & Machinery Laboratory |
4th Semester - Mechanical |
Strength of Materials Laboratory: |
Laboratory In-charge :Mr.N.SaranRaj
Area of the Laboratory: 12.27 m X 9.71 m = 119.14sq.m
Total Cost of the Equipment:Rs.10,44,589 |
List of Equipments: |
- Universal Testing Machine
- Torsion Testing Machine
- Impact Testing Machine
- Hardness Testing Apparatus (Rockwell &Brinnel)
- Beam Deflection Apparatus
- Spring Test Apparatus
The following are the courses conducted in this laboratory, |
Sl. No |
Subject Codes |
Subject Name |
Semester & Department |
1 |
CE8481 |
Strength of Materials Laboratory |
4th Semester - CIVIL |
2 |
CE8381 |
Strength of Materials & Fluid Mechanics & Machinery Laboratory |
4th Semester - Mechanical |
CAD Laboratory: |
Laboratory In-charge :Mr.G.Karunakaran
Area of the Laboratory: 17.4 m X 9.11 m = 158.51sq.m
Total Cost of the Equipment: Rs.19,19,125.55 |
The following are the courses conducted in this laboratory, |
Sl. No |
Subject Codes |
Subject Name |
Semester & Department |
1 |
CE8211 |
Computer Aided Building Drawing |
2nd Semester - CIVIL |
2 |
CE8711 |
Creative & Innovative Project |
7th Semester - CIVIL |
Soil Mechanics Laboratory: |
Laboratory In-charge :Mrs.T.Senbagam
Area of the Laboratory: 11.66 m X 9.11 m = 106.22sq.m
Total Cost of the Equipment: Rs.6,79,963 |
List of Equipments: |
- Sieve Set
- Liquid and Plastic Limit Apparatus
- Direct Shear Apparatus
- Unconfined Compression Testing Machine
- CBR Apparatus
- Proctor Compaction Test Apparatus
The following are the courses conducted in this laboratory, |
Sl. No |
Subject Codes |
Subject Name |
Semester & Department |
1 |
CE8511 |
Soil Mechanics Laboratory |
3rd Semester - CIVIL |
2 |
CE8811 |
Project Work |
8th Semester - CIVIL |
Environmental Engineering Laboratory: |
Laboratory In-charge :Mr.G.Manikandan
Area of the Laboratory: 12 m X 9.11 m = 109.32sq.m
Total Cost of the Equipment: Rs.27,68,595.24 |
List of Equipments: |
- COD Apparatus
- BOD Apparatus
- pH Meter
- Turbidity Meter
- Conductivity Test Apparatus
The following are the courses conducted in this laboratory, |
Sl. No |
Subject Codes |
Subject Name |
Semester & Department |
1 |
CE8512 |
Water & Wastewater Analysis Laboratory |
5th Semester - CIVIL |
2 |
CE8811 |
Project Work |
8th Semester - CIVIL |