This is the mother of all streams of engineering. Electronics, communication, computer science and instrumentation- all these fall under the ambit of electrical engineering. It is a core branch with resilient demand. |
This department was established in 1998 with an intake of 60. |
The department provides a comprehensive foundation in the core topics of EEE coupled with an area of specialization relevant to emerging engineering challenges. |
The infrastructure and lab facilities are upgraded from time to time and provide adequate opportunities for students and researchers to learn and innovate. |
The department has distinguished faculty, all holding M. E & PhD degrees from renowned institute. |
The Department grew with time, reflecting the needs of a changing society and established new areas of teaching and research in electrical engineering. |
The department enjoys the privilege of having spacious and well equipped lab providing students with the Industrial environment. Our laboratories are the source of the technical innovations to the students. The laboratories exist in the department as follows: |
The laboratories are well established with a wide range of equipments with sophisticated instrument for the cost of Rs. 85 lakhs. |
Separate Department library for easy reference to staff and students with rare collection of books. |
Students achieved university ranks |
Department of EEE has a dedicated and well established group of faculty members. The staffs are well experienced, highly qualified and very active. They are also encouraged to Per sue higher Studies and research work. |
Students are encouraged to do mini project works, go for in plant training to get awareness about companies and nature of job in those companies. |
Guest lectures on various fields, Symposiums, National workshops & International Conference are being conducted every year regularly. |
Special care to students those who are weak in understanding the subjects through special coaching classes and counseling. |
Huge growth in the power sector and related industries has created demand. It is expected that the energy sector in India would need investments of about Rs. 5 lakh crore in the next five years alone. This would create a huge manpower demand. |
Need for Electrical Engineers exists not only in the fast growing Energy sector-nuclear power plants, hydroelectric power plants as well as thermal power plants, but also in other industries like cement, steel and petrochemicals. |