Laboratory Incharge: Mr.T.Dharma Prabhakaran
Technician: Mr.G.Vijayasankar.
- Thermallaboratoryhaswellfurnishedbypowersupply.
- Thermallaboratoryhaswell facilitiesforstudentsaspernormsgivenbyAnnaUniversity.
Major Equipment’s Costin Thermal Lab: Rs.17,03,115. |
Areaof thelaboratory: 332Sq.M |
The following courses are conducted in this Laboratory for the Academic Year (2016-17)ME6412ThermalEngineeringLab I(4thSemester)
ME6512Thermal EngineeringLab II(5thSemester) |
CAD/CAM Laboratory |
Laboratory In charge: Mr.S.Rajesh Babu.M.E
Technician: Mr.T.Vinoth Kannan |
- Thereare72systemswith16Mbpsinternet connectionsprovidedinthislaboratory.
- TheLabis completelyair–conditioned with14 ton A/C.
- This laboratory cover Anna university syllabus belongs to the Computer, and simulation relatedexperiments.
- TheLabhastheVariousSimulationSoftwarePackagesfor StudentsWelfare.
- It alsohasaCNCLatheandCNCMillingMachinesfor theStudentsWelfare.
Major Equipment’s Costin Lab: Rs.55,96,823.
Configuration Details:AMD Phenom II *4955 Process 3.2GHZ 6MB L3 Cache. Asus 760C mother board,8GBDDR31066GHZRAM500GBSATAHDD@7200rpmNVIDIAGT610
GraphicsCard,20“WideTFTMonitor, WiproKeyboard,Wipro Optical Mouse |
Areaofthelaboratory:235Sq.M |
The following courses are conducted in this Laboratory for the Academic Year (2016-17)
GE6261 Computer Aided Drafting and Modelling Laboratory (2ndSemester)
ME6611 C.A.D. / C.A.M. Laboratory (6th Semester)ME6711Simulation and Analysis Laboratory (7thSemester) |
ManufacturingTechnologyLaboratoryI& II |
Technician: Mr. Salahudeen |
- Thereare14 lathes And12specialmachinesinthis laboratory.
- Themachinesarefullyworkingconditions.
- This laboratory covered Anna university syllabus belongs to the manufacturingtechnologylaboratories I&IIrelated experiments.
Major Equipment’s Cost Costin Lab:Rs.13,92,282.00
Areaofthelaboratory:351Sq.M |
The following courses are conducted in this Laboratory for the Academic Year (2016 - 17)
ME6311 Manufacturing Technology Lab I(3rd Semester)
ME6411 Manufacturing Technology Lab II (4thSemester) |
- Mechatronicslaboratoryhaswellfurnishedwithpowersupply.
- It haswellfacilitiesfor studentsasperthenormsgivenbyAnnaUniversity.
- MajorEquipment’sCost:Rs.11,00,989
Areaof thelaboratory: 122Sq.M |
The following courses are conducted in this Laboratory for the Academic Year (2016-17)
ME6712 Mechatronics Laboratory (7thSemester) |
Technician:Mr.T.Vinoth Kannan
There are 22 Measuringinstrumentsprovidedinthis laboratory.
- This laboratory cover Anna university syllabus belongs to the Metrology and measurementrelatedexperiments.
- TheLabhasthe CoordinateMeasuringMachinefor StudentsWelfare.
- It also has Digital surface roughness measuring device and Autocollimator for the StudentsWelfare
Major Equipment’s Costin Metrology and Measurements Lab:Rs.11,54,570 |
Areaof thelaboratory: 90Sq.M |
The following courses are conducted in this Laboratory for the Academic Year (2016-17)
ME6513 Metrology and measurement Laboratory (5thSemester) |
Laboratory Incharge:Mr.P.SenthilKumar
- Thelaboratoryhasgood adequate power supply
- Thelaboratoryhaswell-furnished andequippedas pernorms givenbyAnna University
- Tostudyaboutstatic anddynamics analysisinMechanical field
- Thestudentsareunderstandhowcertainmeasuringdevicesare usedfor dynamictesting
Major Equipment’s Costin Dynamics Lab: Rs.2,66,700 |
Areaof thelaboratory: 89.85 Sq.M |
The following courses are conducted in this Laboratory for the Academic Year (2016-17)
ME6511 Dynamics Laboratory (5thSemester) |
Laboratory Incharge:Dr.K.Senthil Kumar
Technician: Mr.N.Periyar Selvan.Description:
- Thelab hasgoodadequatepowersupplyand has goodfacilitiesforwelding
- Thelabhaswell facilitiesfor studentsasper norms givenbyAnnaUniversity.
- It has two centre lathes and power hacksaw cutter and have facilities for working carpentry andsheet metalworks
Major Equipment’s Costin Engineering Practice Lab : Rs.101450 |
Areaof thelaboratory: 272.84Sq.M |
The following courses are conducted in this Laboratory for the Academic Year (2016-17)
GE6162 Engineering Practice Laboratory (All UG1st Year) |
Fluid Mechanics Laboratory
Technician:Mr.G.Vijaya sankar
- Thislabis utilizedforcivilandMechanicalstudents
- This laboratory cover Anna university syllabus belongs to the Fluids that means dischargerelatedexperiments
- TheLab hasthe pumps andturbines.
Major Equipment’s Costin Fluid Mechanics Lab: Rs11,82,049 |
Areaof thelaboratory: 179Sq.M |
The following courses are conducted in this Laboratory for the Academic Year (2016-17)
CE6461– Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Lab (3rd semester) |
Laboratory Incharge: Mr.R.Raja
Technician: Mr.G.Vijaya Sankar
- Thelabhaswell furnishedwith adequatepowersupply
- ThislaboratorycoverAnnauniversitysyllabus belongsto the Strengthofmaterials
- The major equipment’s of this lab are Universal Testing Machine, Torsion Testing Machine andCompressionTestingmachine
Major Equipment’s Costin Strength of Materials Lab: Rs6,41,459. |
Areaof thelaboratory: 120Sq.M |
The following courses are conducted in this Laboratory for the Academic Year (2016-17)
CE6315 Strength of Materials Laboratory(4thsemester) |
Research Laboratory
LaboratoryIncharge:Dr.K.Senthil Kumar
- Thislabismainlyusedforthevariousresearchprojects onMetalMatrixCompositeMaterials.
- In this lab we have two major equipment’s for producing Metal Matrix Composite Materialsandconductingthewearteston same
- The major equipment’s are Bottom Pour Stir Casting Furnace and Pin on Disc Wear testingmachine
- It is widely used for Research project for both our students and outside researchers also studentsfromothercolleges
Major Equipment’s Costin Research Lab : Rs7,57,483 |
Area of the laboratory: 120Sq.M |