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Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Academic Year Faculty Name Title of the Programme Venue Date
2016-17 Dr. G. Mahendran Three days Workshop on Management Enhancement Programme Alagappa Chettiar College of Engineering & Tech., Karaikudi. 24-26, March 2017
2016-17 Dr. N. Kirubanandasarathy One day FDP on How to be an Interesting and Inspiring Teaching Professional? Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 20.08.2016
2016-17 Dr.N. Kirubanandasarathy One day FDP on Modern tool usage in Teaching Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 13.12.2016
2016-17 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima Scilab Training Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 23.06.2017
2016-17 Mr. J. Sakubar Sadiq Scilab Training Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 23.06.2017
2016-17 Mrs. A. Valanarasi 7 days Anna University  sponsored FDP on “EC 6303-Signals and Systems” Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 07.06.2017-13.06.2017
2016-17 Mrs. A. Valanarasi Scilab Training Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 23.06.2017
2016-17 Mrs. C. Priya 7 days Anna University  sponsored FDP on “EC 6303-Signals and Systems” Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 07.06.2017-13.06.2017
2016-17 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn 7 days Anna University  sponsored FDP on “EC 6303-Signals and Systems” Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 07.06.2017-13.06.2017
2017-18 Dr. G. Mahendran BRIDGE 2018 –organized by ICT Academy ICT Grand Chola, Chennai. 28th Mar 2018
2017-18 Dr. G. Mahendran FDP on “Teaching Methodologies and Interpersonal Skills” Syed Ammal Engineering College 29.06.2018 – 30.06.2018
2017-18 Dr. N. Kirubanandasarathy One day National level workshop on Multirate Signal Processing for safety communication system Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 09.11.2017
2017-18 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima FDP on “Teaching Methodologies and Interpersonal Skills” Syed Ammal Engineering College 29.06.2018 – 30.06.2018
2017-18 Dr. S. Murugeswari FDP on “Teaching Methodologies and Interpersonal Skills” Syed Ammal Engineering College 29.06.2018 – 30.06.2018
2017-18 Mrs. A. Valanarasi One week Faculty Development Programme on Research Issues in Antenna Design for Wireless Applications” Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi Nov 27 – Dec 1 2017
2017-18 Mrs. A. Valanarasi FDP on “Teaching Methodologies and Interpersonal Skills” Syed Ammal Engineering College 29.06.2018 – 30.06.2018
2017-18 Mrs. C. Priya FDP on Introduction to Internet of  things,ICT Academy Syed Ammal Engineering College 23.08.2017 to 24.08.2017.
2017-18 Mrs. C. Priya FDP on “Teaching Methodologies and Interpersonal Skills” Syed Ammal Engineering College 29.06.2018 – 30.06.2018
2017-18 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn Two Days FDP on “Teaching Methodologies and Interpersonal Skills” Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 29.06.2018 -30.06.2018
2017-18 Mr. P. Ravivarma FDP on “Teaching Methodologies and Interpersonal Skills” Syed Ammal Engineering College 29.06.2018 to 30.06.2018 & 2
2017-18 Mr. G. Arunmani FDP on “Teaching Methodologies and Interpersonal Skills” Syed Ammal Engineering College 29.06.2018 to 30.06.2018 & 2
2017-18 Mr. G. Arunmani Two Day Workshop On “Analog and Digital System Design Using Cadence Tool” Thiagarajar College of Engineering-Madurai. 18th – 19thAugust2017
2017-18 Ms. G. Bharathi FDP on Introduction to Internet of  things,ICT Academy Syed Ammal Engineering College 23.08.2017 to 24.08.2017.
2018-19 Dr. G. Mahendran National Level Workshop on “How to write good Scientific Technical Proposals” Syed Ammal Engineering College 04.08.2018
2018-19 Dr. G. Mahendran Training Programme on “IEEE Explore Digital Library for Technical Research” Syed Ammal Engineering College 10.09.2018
2018-19 Dr. G. Mahendran One day Workshop on Lab-View Fathima Michael College of Engineering and Technology 01.03.2019
2018-19 Dr. G. Mahendran Training for: Techniques for Effective Research With IEEE Xplore Syed Ammal Engineering College 13.03.2019
2018-19 Dr. G. Mahendran Capacity Buiding Workshop for Professors on Personality, Profession & Passion Syed Ammal Engineering College 25.06.2019
2018-19 Dr. N. Kirubanandasarathy One day National  level Workshop on How to write Good Scientific Project Proposals Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 04.08.2018
2018-19 Dr. N. Kirubanandasarathy One day training on IEEE Xplore Digital library for Technical Research Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 10.09.2018
2018-19 Dr. N. Kirubanandasarathy One day training on Techniques for Effective research with IEEE Xplore Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 13.03.2019
2018-19 Dr. N. Kirubanandasarathy One day capacity building workshop for Professors on Personality, Profession & Passion Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 25.06.2019
2018-19 Dr. N. Kirubanandasarathy NPTEL Online Course on DIGITAL CIRCUITS Online Jan to April 2019
2018-19 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima One day National  level Workshop on How to write Good Scientific Project Proposals Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 04.08.2018
2018-19 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima One day training on IEEE Xplore Digital library for Technical Research Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 10.09.2018
2018-19 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima One day capacity building workshop for Professors on Personality, Profession & Passion Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 25.06.2019
2018-19 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima NPTEL Online Course on CRYPTOGRAPHY Online Feb to April 2019
2018-19 Dr. S. Murugeswari National Level Workshop on “How to write good Scientific Technical Proposals” Syed Ammal Engineering College 04.08.2018
2018-19 Dr. S. Murugeswari Training Programme on “IEEE Explore Digital Library for Technical Research” Syed Ammal Engineering College 10.09.2018
2018-19 Dr. S. Murugeswari Hands on training on Lab View/VTU Lab. Fathima Michael College of Engineering 01.03.2019
2018-19 Dr. S. Murugeswari Techniques for Effective Research with IEEE Xplore Syed Ammal Engineering College March 2019
2018-19 Dr. S. Murugeswari One day capacity building workshop for  professors on personality,profession and passion, Syed Ammal Engineering College, 25.06.2019
2018-19 Dr. S. Murugeswari One Day Capacity Building for Professors on Personality, Profession and Passion Syed Ammal Engineering College 25.06.2019
2018-19 Mrs. A. Valanarasi FDP on how to write good scientific project proposals in association with IEEE product safety engineering Syed Ammal Engineering College,Ramanathapuram 04-08-2018
2018-19 Mrs. A. Valanarasi One day training on “ Techniques for Effective Research with IEEE Xplore Syed Ammal Engineering College 13.03.2019
2018-19 Mrs. A. Valanarasi Six days FDP on control system – EC 8391 Syed Ammal Engineering College 20.05.19 TO 25.5.2019
2018-19 Mrs. A. Valanarasi One day capacity building workshop for professors on personality,profession &passion Syed Ammal Engineering College 25.6.2019
2018-19 Mrs. A. Valanarasi NPTEL Online Course on ANTENNAS Online Feb to April 2019
2018-19 Mrs. C. Priya FDP on how to write good scientific project proposals in association with IEEE product safety engineering Syed Ammal Engineering College,Ramanathapuram 04-08-2018
2018-19 Mrs. C. Priya Training Programme on “IEEE Explore Digital Library for Technical Research” Syed Ammal Engineering College 10.09.2018
2018-19 Mrs. C. Priya Six days FDP on control system – EC 8391 Syed Ammal Engineering College 20.05.19 TO 25.5.2019
2018-19 Mrs. C. Priya One day capacity building workshop for professors on personality,profession &passion Syed Ammal Engineering College 25.6.2019
2018-19 Mrs. C. Priya NPTEL Online Course on DIGITAL CIRCUITS Online Feb to April 2019
2018-19 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn One Day National Level Workshop  on “How to Write Good Scientific Project Proposals” Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 04.08.2018
2018-19 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn One  day IEEE/EBSCOTraining Program on “IEEE Xplore Digital Library for Technical Research Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 10.09.2018
2018-19 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn One  dayHands on Training on “Lab View&VLab/VTU Lab” Fatima Michael College of Engineering and Technology,Madurai 01.03.2019
2018-19 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn One day training on “ Techniques for Effective Research with IEEE Xplore Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 13.03.2019
2018-19 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn One  dayCapacity Building Workshop for Professors on Personality,Profession and Passion” . Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 25.06..2019
2018-19 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn Two  dayHands on Training workshop on “EC6711-Embedded Systems Lab” K.L.N College of Engineering,Pottapalayam
2018-19 Mr. P. Ravivarma National Level Workshop on “How to write good Scientific Technical Proposals” Syed Ammal Engineering College 04.08.2018 & 1
2018-19 Mr. P. Ravivarma Training Programme on “IEEE Explore Digital Library for Technical Research” Syed Ammal Engineering College 10.09.2018 & 1
2018-19 Mr. G. Arunmani One Day National Level Workshop On “How to Write Good Scientific Project Proposals” Syed Ammal Engineering College-Ramanathapuram  in Association with IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society. 4th August2018
2018-19 Mr. G. Arunmani Two Day Hands-on Training Workshop On “EC6711-Embedded Systems Laboratory” K.L.N College of Engineering-Madurai. 27th – 28thJune2019
2018-19 Mr. G. Arunmani Faculty Development Training Programme On “One Day Capacity Building Workshop for Professor on Personality, Professor and Passion” Syed Ammal Engineering college, Ramanathapuram. 25 June2019
2018-19 Mr. J. Sakubar Sadiq One Day National Level workshop on How to Write Good Scientific Project Proposals Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 04.08.2018
2018-19 Mr. J. Sakubar Sadiq Training Programme on Techniques for Effective Research with IEEE Xplore. Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 2019
2018-19 Mr. J. Sakubar Sadiq One Day Capacity Building workshop for Professors on Personality, Profession & Passion Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 25.06.2019
2018-19 Mr. B. Babu Mohan One Day Capacity Building workshop for Professors on Personality, Profession & Passion Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 25.06.2019
2019-20 Dr. G. Mahendran One day Faculty Orientation Programme on Soft Skills and Understanding the Psychology of Current Generation Students Syed Ammal Engineering College 09.12.2019
2019-20 Dr. G. Mahendran NPTEL Online Course on DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING Online Aug  to Nov 2019
2019-20 Dr. G. Mahendran Keynote Address and Session Chair for National Conference on Innovations in Electronics and Communication Engineering Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College, Perambalur. 13.03.2020
2019-20 Dr. G. Mahendran Webinar on the theme Leading in a VUCA world – Season 2 Day 4 ICTACADEMY 23.04.2020
2019-20 Dr. G. Mahendran Webinar on  THE FUTURE IS HERE NOW  – Season 3 Day 1 ICTACADEMY 27.04.2020
2019-20 Dr. G. Mahendran Webinar on  THE FUTURE IS HERE NOW  – Season 3 Day 3 ICTACADEMY 29.04.2020
2019-20 Dr. G. Mahendran Webinar on  THE FUTURE IS HERE NOW  – Season 3 Day 4 ICTACADEMY 30.04.2020
2019-20 Dr. G. Mahendran Webinar on  THE FUTURE IS HERE NOW  – Season 3 Day 5 ICTACADEMY 01.05.2020
2019-20 Dr. G. Mahendran Webinar on  THE FUTURE  OF EDUCATION , EMPOLYMENT & ENTREPRENEURSHIP  – Season 4 Day 1 ICTACADEMY 04.05.2020
2019-20 Dr. G. Mahendran Webinar on  THE FUTURE  OF EDUCATION , EMPOLYMENT & ENTREPRENEURSHIP  – Season 4 Day 3 ICTACADEMY 06.05.2020
2019-20 Dr. G. Mahendran Webinar on  THE FUTURE  OF EDUCATION , EMPOLYMENT & ENTREPRENEURSHIP  – Season 4 Day 4 ICTACADEMY 07.05.2020
2019-20 Dr. G. Mahendran Webinar on  THE FUTURE  OF EDUCATION , EMPOLYMENT & ENTREPRENEURSHIP   – Season 4 Day 5 ICTACADEMY 08.05.2020
2019-20 Dr. G. Mahendran Webinar on  THE FUTURE  OF SKILS -  EDUCATION , EMPOLYMENT & ENTREPRENEURSHIP  – Season 5 Day 1 ICTACADEMY 11.05.2020
2019-20 Dr. G. Mahendran Super Session Webinar on Good Teacher to Great Teacher – Dr. SYLENDRA BABU ICTACADEMY 14.05.2020
2019-20 Dr. G. Mahendran Webinar on  THE FUTURE  OF EDUCATION , EMPOLYMENT & ENTREPRENEURSHIP  – Season 5 Day 5 ICTACADEMY 15.05.2020
2019-20 Dr. G. Mahendran Webinar on the  theme FUTURE TECH 2020  – Season 6 Day 1 ICTACADEMY 18.05.2020
2019-20 Dr. G. Mahendran Webinar on the  theme FUTURE TECH 2020  – Season 6 Day 3 ICTACADEMY 20.05.2020
2019-20 Dr. G. Mahendran Webinar on the  theme FUTURE TECH 2020  – Season 6 Day 5 ICTACADEMY 22.05.2020
2019-20 Dr. G. Mahendran Online Super Session on CHANGE IS THE ESSENCE OF LIFE – Mrs. Bharathi Baskar ICTACADEMY 22.05.2020
2019-20 Dr. G. Mahendran Webinar on the  theme ACCELERATING INDUSTRY 4.0 A POST COVID PARADIGM – Season 7 Day 1 ICTACADEMY 25.05.2020
2019-20 Dr. G. Mahendran Webinar on the  theme ACCELERATING INDUSTRY 4.0 A POST COVID PARADIGM – Season 7 Day 2 ICTACADEMY 26.05.2020
2019-20 Dr. G. Mahendran Webinar on INTRODUCTION TO MACHINE LEARNING AND DATA SCIENCE – Mr. S. Hariprakash, Date Warehouse Developer, Nielsen, USA. SAEC ECE in Association with ECE Alumni 27.05.2020
2019-20 Dr. G. Mahendran Webinar on the  theme ACCELERATING INDUSTRY 4.0 A POST COVID PARADIGM – Season 7 Day 3 ICTACADEMY 27.05.2020
2019-20 Dr. G. Mahendran Webinar on the  theme ACCELERATING INDUSTRY 4.0 A POST COVID PARADIGM – Season 7 Day 5 ICTACADEMY 29.05.2020
2019-20 Dr. G. Mahendran Online training of the IEEE Explore Digital Library IEEE 02.06.2020
2019-20 Dr. G. Mahendran Online Super Session on IMPROVING THE SKILL SET & CHANGING  THE ATTITUDE   – Dr. RAMESH PRABBHA ICTACADEMY 05.06.2020
2019-20 Dr. G. Mahendran Webinar on Recent Trends in Artificial Intelligence Sri Ramakrishna Inst. Of Technology     16.06.2020 16.06.2020
2019-20 Dr. G. Mahendran Webinar on “Launching a
GMR Inst. Of Tech, Kakinada 18.06.2020
2019-20 Dr. G. Mahendran Two Days Online FDP on Recent Trends on IOT RVS College of Engg. & Tech. 18.06.2020-19.06.2020
2019-20 Dr. G. Mahendran Three Days Online FDP on Advanced Topics in Signals and Image Processing Shadan College of Engg. & Tech., Hydrabad 18.06.2020-20.06.2020
2019-20 Dr. G. Mahendran Webinar on “Getting Started with Docker and Amazon Web Services Hands on Training” Pallavi Engineering College, Hydrabad 20.06.2020
2019-20 Dr. N. Kirubanandasarathy One day Faculty Orientation Programme on Soft Skills and Understanding the Psychology of Current Generation Students Syed Ammal Engineering College 09.12.2019
2019-20 Dr. N. Kirubanandasarathy Webinar on Expectation of Industry from Students IEEE Photonics Society Student Chapter, Mangalam
College of Engg, Kottayam, Kerala
2019-20 Dr. N. Kirubanandasarathy Power Seminar Webinar on Employability skills for the Future ICT Academy 05.05.2020
2019-20 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima Three days technical workshop on “ RF communication system design with CAD tools Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi, November 20-22, 2019.
2019-20 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima One day Faculty Orientation Programme on Soft Skills and Understanding the Psychology of Current Generation Students Syed Ammal Engineering College 09.12.2019
2019-20 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima Season 3 of Skycampus - THE FUTURE IS HERE NOW conducted by ICT ACADEMY 27 /4/2020 to 1/5/2020
2019-20 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima Season 4 of Skycampus the Future of Education, Employment & Entrepreneurship conducted by ICT ACADEMY 04 /05/2020 to 8/5/2020
2019-20 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima THE POWER OF A TEACHER, By Mr. Gopinath conducted by ICT ACADEMY 4 /5/ 2020
2019-20 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima Season 5 of Skycampus conducted by ICT ACADEMY 11/5/2020 to 15/5/2020
2019-20 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima 10 Attributes_of_an_Out standing_teacher,
Good to great By Mr.Shylendra Babu IPS.
conducted by ICT ACADEMY 14/5/2020
2019-20 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima Season 6 of Skycampus “Future Tech 2020” conducted by ICT ACADEMY 18 /5/2020 to 22/5/2020
2019-20 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima Webinar titled ‘‘EDUCATION 4.0 – The Future of Learning in the Pandemic World’’ Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), P.S.R. ENGINEERING COLLEGE, Sivakasi 22/5/ 2020
2019-20 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima “Introduction to Digital Transformation” Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SA Engineering College, Chennai 23/5/ 2020
2019-20 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima A National level online Faculty Development on Embedded and IOT Bootcamp The Department of Electronics
and Communication Engineering.,
Mohamed Sathak A J Engg.
college., Chennai
27/5/2020 to 29/29/5/2020
2019-20 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima Change is the Essence of Life, By Bharathi Bhaskar conducted by ICT ACADEMY 25/5/2020
2019-20 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima 5 days FDP on Deep Neural Networks and Expert System PSR Engineering College,
25/5/2020 to 29/5/2020
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari Online Training Program on “RECENT TRENDS IN MOBILE COMMUNICATION AND FUTURE
Mohamed Sathak Engineering College, Kilakarai June 20th 20.06.2019
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari One Day Faculty Programme on Soft Skills and Understanding the Psychology of Current Generation Students Syed Ammal Engineering College 09.12.2019
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari NPTEL Online Course on DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING Online Aug  to Nov, l 2019
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari Webinar on the future is here now ICT Academy 27.04.2020
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari Webinar on the future is here now ICT Academy 29.04.2020
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari Webinar on the future of Education, Employment &Entrepreneurship ICT Academy 04.05.2020 – 08.05.2020
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari Webinar on Education, Employment& Entrepreneurship ICT Academy 11.05.2020 –15.05.2020
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari Webinar on Good Teacher to Great Teacher ICT Academy 14.05.2020
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari Quiz on Embedded Systems Syed Ammal Engineering College 16.05.2020-17.05.2020
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari Webinar on 5G as an Enabler in Digital Transformation ICT Academy 18.05.2020
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari Webinar on Building Skills in Robotic Process Automation ICT Academy 20.05.2020
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari Webinar on Beyond Covid – Leading Through Change ICT Academy 21.05.2020
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari Webinar on Next Generation of Block chain ICT Academy 22.05.2020
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari Webinar on Accelerating industry 4.0 – A Post Covid Paradigm ICT Academy 25.05.2020
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari Webinar on Change is the Essence of Life ICT Academy 25.05.2020
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari Webinar on Accelerating industry 4.0 – A Learning &Development Perspective. ICT Academy 26.05.2020
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari Webinar on Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Computing, post Covid 2019. ICT Academy 27.05.2020
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari Webinar on “Emerging Opportunities and Growth of ESDM Industry in India” Easwari Engineering College, 27.05.2020
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari Webinar on Discover the Diamond in You ICT Academy 28.05.2020
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari Webinar on “Intelligent Systems” Mohammed Sathak Engineering College 28-05-2020
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari Webinar on Catching the Cyber Virus ICT Academy 29.05.2020
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari International Webinar on Multimode Antennas for Future Wireless Networks SNS College of Technology 01.06.2020
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari Online training of the IEEE Xplore Digital Library Syed Ammal  Engineering College 02.06.2020
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari One day webinar on "Semicustom IC Design flow using cadence". Saveetha Engineering College,Chennai, 08.06.2020
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari Webinar on Recent trends in Artificial Intelligence Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology 16.06.2020
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari Webinar on Medical Applications of Digital Image Processing Techniques Syed Ammal  Engineering College 17.06.2020
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari One day webinar on “Launching a Nanosatellite” GMR
Institute of Technology, Rajam, AP,
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari FDP on Advanced Topics in Signals and Image Processing Shadan College of Engineering & Tecnology 18.06.2020-20.06.2020
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari One day webinar on “Calculus:Orgin, Basic Concepts and Applications in Real Life” Chennai Institute of Technology,
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari Online Training Program on Recent Trends in nMobile Communication and Future Opportunities Mohamed Sathak  Engineering College 20.06.2020
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari Webinar on Getting started with Docker and Amazon web
services hands on training
Pallavi Engineering College,
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari Two day Webinar on “Tips to formulate Research Project
Proposals and write Technical papers
GMR Institute of
Technology,Rajam, AP,
21.06.2020 – 22.06.2020
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari One day webinar on “Recent Advancement in Manufacturing
and Industry 4.0
” Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College,Chennai, 22.06.2020
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari Six days FDP on Disruptive Technologies in Electronics and Communications, Vidhya Jyothi Institute of technology(Autonomous),. 22.06.2020-27.06.2020
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari Workshop on The growing role of IoT in latest technological trends School of Information technology Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal in association with WILEY India Pvt. Ltd. 22.06.2020-26.06.2020
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari Webinar on Cyber Security Sri Venkateswara
College of Engineering and Technology, Srikakulam Collaboration
with INDIAN SERVERS, Hyderabad & Vijayawada.
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari One Week FDP on "Let's play Machine Learning with
25.06.2020- 01.07.2020
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari Webinar on Electronic Waste- Emerging Threat to the Environment IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society, Madras Chapter 26.06.2020
2019-20 Dr. S. Murugeswari International Webinar on Career in Embedded Systems-An
Easwari Engineering College, 29.06.2020
2019-20 Mr. J. Sakubar Sadiq One day Faculty Orientation Programme  on soft Skills and Understanding the psychology of current generation students Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 09.12.2019
2019-20 Mr. J. Sakubar Sadiq   Online live Webinar on” Medical Applications of Digital Image processing Techniques Syed Ammal Engineering College , Ramanathapuram 17.06.2020
2019-20 Mr. J. Sakubar Sadiq Webinar on “ Soft Computing Techniques and its Application in electrical Engineering, by EEE Syed Ammal Engineering
29.06.2020 to 03.07.2020
2019-20 Mr. J. Sakubar Sadiq NPTEL Online Course on  ANALOG CIRCUITS Online July to Oct 2019
2019-20 Mrs. A. Valanarasi One day FDP on Soft Skills and Understanding the Psychology of Current Generation Students. Syed Ammal Engineering College 09.12.2019
2019-20 Mrs. A. Valanarasi Three days technical workshop on “ RF communication system design with CAD tools Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi, November 20-22, 2019.
2019-20 Mrs. A. Valanarasi Two days Seminar on  “ Advancements in Antennas” Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, 20th and 21st September 2019
2019-20 Mrs. A. Valanarasi Online Webinar Season 3 of SKYCAMPUS  on theme “THE FUTURE IS NEAR HERE” ICTACADEMY-CHENNAI (Sky Campus DIGITAL  KNOWLEDGE  SERIES 2020) 27TH April to 01ST May 2020
2019-20 Mrs. A. Valanarasi Online Webinar Season 4 of SKYCAMPUS  on theme “The Future of Education, Employment & Entrepreneurship” ICTACADEMY-CHENNAI (Sky Campus DIGITAL  KNOWLEDGE  SERIES 2020) 4TH May to 8TH May 2020
2019-20 Mrs. A. Valanarasi Webinar on “How to Use Turnitin Software for your Research-
Turnitin Online on Campus”
GURU NANAK INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES – In Association with Turnitin 04th May 20202
2019-20 Mrs. A. Valanarasi Online Supersession Webinar of Skycampus on the theme “The Power of a Teacher” ICTACADEMY-CHENNAI (Sky Campus DIGITAL  KNOWLEDGE  SERIES 2020) 04TH May 2020
2019-20 Mrs. A. Valanarasi Online Webinar on “ Technology in education for NextGen after COVID-19” Loyola- ICAM College of Engineering and Technology 09th May 2020
2019-20 Mrs. A. Valanarasi Online Webinar Season 5 of Sky campus on the theme The Future of Skills - Education, Employment & Entrepreneurship ICTACADEMY-CHENNAI (Sky Campus DIGITAL  KNOWLEDGE  SERIES 2020) 11TH May to 15TH May 2020
2019-20 Mrs. A. Valanarasi Online Supersession Webinar of Skycampus on the theme “Good Teacher to Great Teacher” ICTACADEMY-CHENNAI (Sky Campus DIGITAL  KNOWLEDGE  SERIES 2020) 14TH May 2020
2019-20 Mrs. A. Valanarasi Two days Online FDP on “ Micro-strip Antennas for Advanced Wireless Communication” Kallam Karanadha Reddy Institute of Technology, Kakinada, in association with IETE Vijayawada section 15th – 16th May 2020
2019-20 Mrs. A. Valanarasi Online Webinar Season 6 of Skycampus on the theme “ Future Tech 2020” ICTACADEMY-CHENNAI (Sky Campus DIGITAL  KNOWLEDGE  SERIES 2020) 18TH May to 22nd  May 2020
2019-20 Mrs. A. Valanarasi Online Training Program on
Organized by IEEE – Bangalore section associated with Entuple Technologies. 19 May 2020
2019-20 Mrs. A. Valanarasi Online Webinar on “Grant and Research Proposal Writing” by Dr. Lance Fung, Australia. Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore in collaboration with IEEE SSIT madras section chapter. 20th May 2020
2019-20 Mrs. A. Valanarasi Online webinar titled ‘‘EDUCATION 4.0 – The Future of Learning in the Pandemic World’’ Internal Quality Assurance Cell, P.S.R. Engineering College, Sivakasi, Tamilnadu, India. 22nd May 2020
2019-20 Mrs. A. Valanarasi Online Training Program on “SAR ANALYSIS USING HFSS” Organized by IEEE – Bangalore section associated with Entuple Technologies. 22nd May 2020
2019-20 Mrs. A. Valanarasi Online webinar titled “Introduction to Digital Transformation” S.A. Engineering College, Chennai. 23rd May, 2020.
2019-20 Mrs. A. Valanarasi Online 5 days FDP on ‘‘Deep Neural Networks and Expert Systems’’ P.S.R. Engineering College, Sivakasi, in collaboration with IETE Student Chapter. 25 - 29, May 2020
2019-20 Mrs. A. Valanarasi A National Level Online FDP on Embedded and IOT Bootcamp The Department of Electronics
and Communication Engineering.,
Mohamed Sathak  A J Engg. college Chennai
27/5/2020 to 29/5/2020
2019-20 Mrs. A. Valanarasi Online Supersession Webinar of Skycampus on the theme “Change is the essence of Life ICTACADEMY-CHENNAI (Sky Campus DIGITAL  KNOWLEDGE  SERIES 2020) 25TH May 2020
2019-20 Mrs. A. Valanarasi online training of the IEEE Xplore  Digital Library IEEE 2nd June 2020
2019-20 Mrs. A. Valanarasi Online Super Session on “ Improving the Skill Set & Changing the Attitude” ICT ACADEMY 05TH JUNE 2020
2019-20 Mrs. A. Valanarasi Hands on Training through Webinar on “To Design Manuscripts using LaTeX”, Hindusthan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore 06 June 2020
2019-20 Mrs. A. Valanarasi Online Webinar on “ Arts and Challenges of writing papers for IEEE Transactions” IEEE Bangalore Section 08th June 2020
2019-20 Mrs. A. Valanarasi Five days FDP Antenna and Microwave Engineering Sri Ramakrishna College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy June 8th to June 13th
2019-20 Mrs. A. Valanarasi Five days FDP on Cybersecurity Malla Reddy Engineering College for women, Hydrabad June 10th to June 14th 2020
2019-20 Mrs. A. Valanarasi Three days online FDP On “RF/VNA & its applications ENTUPLE , ANRITSU June 16th to 18th
2019-20 Mrs. A. Valanarasi Online Webinar on Medical Applications of Digital Image processing techniques Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram June 17th 2020
2019-20 Mrs. A. Valanarasi Online Training Program on  “RECENT TRENDS IN
Mohamed Sathak Engineering College,
June 20th 2020
2019-20 Mrs. A. Valanarasi Three Days Online Faculty Development Program on Machine
Learning and Arti ficial Intell igence
2019-20 Mrs. A. Valanarasi Three days Online FDP on “Industrial IOT     &Intelligent Connectivity using RASBERRY PI” Malla Reddy Engineering College for Women in association with Pantech e-Learning, Chennai June 25th to 27th2020
2019-20 Mrs. A. Valanarasi Online Webinar “TECHNOLOGY AND
Syed Ammal Engineering College June 27th 2020
2019-20 Mrs. A. Valanarasi ICT Academy Virtual Book Launch of
“Future of Higher Education - Nine Mega Trends”
ICT Academy June 30th 2020
2019-20 Mrs. C. Priya One day FDP on Soft Skills and Understanding the Psychology of Current Generation Students. Syed Ammal Engineering College 09.12.2019
2019-20 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn Two  dayHands on Training workshop on “How to Write Good Quality Research Articles and LaTex”” K.L.N College of Engineering,Pottapalayam
2019-20 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn AICTE Sponsored Two Weeks FDP on “Verification & Testing of VLSI Circuits using EDA Tools Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 01.11.2019-14.11.2019
2019-20 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn One Day FDP on “Soft Skills and Understanding the Psychology of Current Generation Students” Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 09.12.2019
2019-20 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn NPTEL Online Course on NETWORKS Online Aug to Nov 2019
2019-20 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn Five days Webinar on “Season 3 of Skycampus-The future is Here now” ICT Academy 27.04.2020-01.05.2020
2019-20 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn One day webinar on “The Power of a Teacher” ICT Academy 04.05.2020
2019-20 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn Five days Webinar on “Season 4 of Skycampus-The future of Education, Employment & Entrepreneurship” ICT Academy 04.05.2020-08.05.2020
2019-20 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn Five days OFDP on “PYTHON” VIT 05.05.2020-09.05.2020
2019-20 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn Five days Webinar on “Season 7 of Skycampus-Accelerating Industry 4.0- A Post Covid Paradigm” ICT Academy 25.05.2020-29.05.2020
2019-20 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn One day online Training on “ IEEE Xplore Digital Library” Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 02.06.2020
2019-20 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn One day webinar on "Semicustom IC Design flow using cadence". Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai 08.06.2020
2019-20 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn One day webinar on “Recent Trends In Artificial Intelligence” Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology,Coimbatore 16.06.2020
2019-20 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn online live Webinar on “Medical Application Of Digital Image Processing Techniques” Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 17.06.2020
2019-20 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn One day webinar on “Launching a Nanosatellite” GMR Institute of Technology,Rajam, AP 18.06.2020
2019-20 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn One day webinar on “Introduction to Automotive Industry And Vehicle” Network” Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 19.06.2020
2019-20 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn One day webinar on “Calculus:Orgin, Basic Concepts and Applications in Real Life” Chennai Institute of Technology, Chennai 19.06.2020
2019-20 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn Insightful Fridays of Skycampus Digital Knowledge Webinar Series ICT Academy 19.06.2020
2019-20 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn Online Training Program on “Recent Trends in Mobile Communication And future Opportunities” Mohamed Sathak Engineeing College, Kilakarai 20.06.2020
2019-20 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn One day Webinar on ““Getting Started with Docker and Amazon Web Services Hands on Training” Pallavi Engineering College,Nagole,Hyderabad 20.06.2020
2019-20 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn Two-day Webinar on “Tips to formulate Research Project Proposals and write Technical papers GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam, AP 21.06.2020 – 22.06.2020
2019-20 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn One day webinar on “Recent Advancement in Manufacturing and Industry 4.0” Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College, Chennai 22.06.2020
2019-20 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn One day webinar on “Introduction to Software Testing” Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 23.06.2020
2019-20 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn One Day Webinar on” Cyber Security” Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering and Technology, Srikakulam 24.06.2020
2019-20 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn IEEE Sponsored One day webinar on “Electronic Wastes- Emerging Threat to the Environment”   IEEE 26.06.2020
2019-20 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn Five Days Workshop on “The Growing Role of IOT in Latest Technological Trends” School Of Information Technology , Vishwavidyalaya. 22.06.2020-26.06.2020
2019-20 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn Six Day Faculty Development Program on “Disruptive Technologies in Electronics & Communications” Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology ,Hyderabad 22.06.2020-27.06.2020
2019-20 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn One Week FDP on "Let's play Machine Learning with TensorFlow” Kalasalingam University,Krishnankoil. 25.06.2020- 01.07.2020
2019-20 Mr. P. Ravivarma Training Programme on “Techniques for Effective Research With IEEE xplore” Syed Ammal Engineering College 13.03.2019 & 1
2019-20 Mr. P. Ravivarma One day Capacity Building workshops for Professors on Personality, Profession & Passion Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 25-06-2019 & 1
2019-20 Mr. P. Ravivarma FDP on Teaching techniques Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 30-07-2019 to 31-07-2019 & 2
2019-20 Mr. P. Ravivarma FDP on verification & Testing of VLSI circuits using EDA tools Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 01-11-2019 to 14-11-2019 & 14
2019-20 Mr. P. Ravivarma One day Faculty Orientation programme on soft skills and understanding of Psychology of current generation students Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 09-12-2019
2019-20 Mr. G. Arunmani AICTE Sponsored Short Term Training Programme (STTP) on “Challenges and Opportunities in Nano Electronics and VLSI Nano Electronic Device ” Thiagarajar College of Engineering-Madurai. 18th – 23thNovember2019
2019-20 Mr. G. Arunmani Faculty Development Training Programme On “Soft Skill and Understanding the Psychology of Current Generation Students” Syed Ammal Engineering college, Ramanathapuram. 09 December 2019
2019-20 Mr. B. Babu Mohan FDP on verification & Testing of VLSI circuits using EDA tools Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 01-11-2019 to 14-11-2019
2019-20 Mr. B. Babu Mohan FDP on Teaching techniques Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 30-07-2019 to 31-07-2019
2019-20 Mr. B. Babu Mohan Digital Circuits NPTEL Online course Jul-oct 2019
2019-20 Mrs. N. Karthika Devi FDP on Verification and Testing of VLSI circuits using EDA Tools Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 01.11.2019 to 14.11.2019
2019-20 Mrs. N. Karthika Devi Webinar on Accelerating Industry 4.0 - A Post Covid Paradigm” Day 2 - Accelerating Industry 4.0 - A Learning & Development Perspective ICT Academy 26.05.2020
2019-20 Mrs. N. Karthika Devi Webinar on Accelerating Industry 4.0 - A Post Covid Paradigm” Day 3 - Impact of Artificial intelligence and cognitive computing, post covid 2019 ICT Academy 27.05.2020
2019-20 Mrs. N. Karthika Devi Webinar on Accelerating Industry 4.0 - A Post Covid Paradigm” Day 4 - Discover the Diamond in You ICT Academy 28.05.2020
2019-20 Mrs. N. Karthika Devi Webinar on A Post Covid Paradigm” Day 5 - Catching the Cyber Virus ICT Academy 29.05.2020
2019-20 Mrs. N. Karthika Devi International Webinar on Multimode Antennas for Future Wireless Networks SNS College of Technology 01.06.2020
2019-20 Mrs. N. Karthika Devi Online training of the IEEE Xplore Digital Library Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 02.06.2020
2019-20 Mr. B. Saravanan Faculty Development Training Programme On “Soft Skill and Understanding the Psychology of Current Generation Students” Syed Ammal Engineering college, Ramanathapuram. 09 December 2019
2019-20 Mrs. G. Bharathi Faculty Development Training Programme On “Soft Skill and Understanding the Psychology of Current Generation Students” Syed Ammal Engineering college, Ramanathapuram. 09 December 2019
2019-20 Mrs. M. Mihaj Begam Faculty Development Training Programme On “Soft Skill and Understanding the Psychology of Current Generation Students” Syed Ammal Engineering college, Ramanathapuram. 09 December 2019
2019-20 Mrs. N. Dhivya Faculty Development Training Programme On “Soft Skill and Understanding the Psychology of Current Generation Students” Syed Ammal Engineering college, Ramanathapuram. 09 December 2019
2019-20 Mrs. K. Jeyasudha Faculty Development Training Programme On “Soft Skill and Understanding the Psychology of Current Generation Students” Syed Ammal Engineering college, Ramanathapuram. 09 December 2019
2019-20 Mrs. S. Raga Raksanya Faculty Development Training Programme On “Soft Skill and Understanding the Psychology of Current Generation Students” Syed Ammal Engineering college, Ramanathapuram. 09 December 2019
2019-20 Mrs. S. Aananthi Faculty Development Training Programme On “Soft Skill and Understanding the Psychology of Current Generation Students” Syed Ammal Engineering college, Ramanathapuram. 09 December 2019
2020-21 Dr. G. Mahendran Webinar on “Awareness on NBA” Syed Ammal Engineering College 17.04.2021
2020-21 Dr. G. Mahendran Webinar on “Application on MATLAB” Mohamed Sathak Engineering College 27.04.2021
2020-21 Dr. N. Kirubanandasarathy AICTE Sponsored Six Days Short Term Training Programme on “Soft Computing Techniques in Engineering Applications Department of ECE,
Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram
20.07.2020 - 25.07.2020
2020-21 Dr. N. Kirubanandasarathy AICTE Sponsored Six Days Short
Term Training Programme on “Potential Benefits of RFID in Industrial, Medical and Domestic Sectors
Department of ECE,
Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram
23.11.2020 - 28.11.2020
2020-21 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima Online training of the IEEE Xplore Digital Library IEEE 02/06/2020
2020-21 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima Online Super Session on Improving the Skill Set & Changing the Attitude Expert session by Dr. Ramesh Prabbha by ICT Academy 05 /6/ 2020
2020-21 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima Resource Person for Issues And Challenges in Advanced Electronics And Communication Engineering And Technology” A distinctive webinar series on the title Human Gait Recognition Conducted by ECE Department, Syed Ammal Engg College, Ramanathapuram 6/6/2020
2020-21 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima Hands on Training through Webinar on “To Design  Manuscripts using   LaTeX”, The Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering, Hindusthan Institute of Technology,
2020-21 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima Attended Webinar on Issues And Challenges in Advanced Electronics And Communication Engineering And Technology” A distinctive webinar series Organised by ECE Department, Syed            Syed Ammal Engg College, Ramanathapuram 7/6/2020 to
2020-21 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima 5 days FDP on Antenna and Microwave Engineering K. Ramakrishna College of
Engineering Technology.
8/6/2020 to
2020-21 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima Art and Challenges of writing papers for IEEE Transactions IEEE Bangalore-section 8/6/2020
2020-21 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima 5days FDP on Cyber security Dr.Malla Reddy Engg  college
for women, Hyderabad.
10/6/2020 to
2020-21 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima Online Webinar on Medical applications of digital image processing techniques” Organised by ECE Department, Syed          Ammal Engg College,Ramanathapuram 17/6/2020
2020-21 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima “Introduction To Automotive Industry And Vehicle Network Coordinator Organised by, Syed          Ammal  Engg College,Ramanathapuram 20/6/2020
2020-21 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima Online Training Program on “Recent trends in mobile communication and future opportunities Mohamed Sathak Engg.College ,Kilakarai 20/6/2020
2020-21 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima FDP on Industrial IOT and Intelligent connectivity using Rasperry Pi Dr.Malla Reddy Engg  college for women, Hyderabad 25/6/2020
2020-21 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima Three Days Online Faculty Development Program on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA
2020-21 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima Soft Computing Techniques in Engineering
Conducted by ECE Department, Syed          Ammal Engg College, Ramanathapuram 20/7/2020
2020-21 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima Acted as a session chair International Conference on Nano Robotics and Artificial Intelligence for Engineering
Applications (ICRAI 2020)
Conducted by MECH Department, Syed Ammal Engg College, Ramanathapuram 11.9.2020 to 12.09.2020
2020-21 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima AICTE Sponsored STTP on Artificial Intelligence and Deep learning for Computational biology CSE Department, PSNA college of Engg. Dindugal 1/2/2021 to
2020-21 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima Atos Syntel Sponsored CDTT Batch
(Digital Teaching Techniques)
ICT academy 18/01/21 to 23/1/21
2020-21 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima Data Science and machine learning applications To modern
Power system systems
Malla Reddy Engg.College,
2020-21 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima 2 Days FDP on Deep learning for image analysis Thiagarajar College of
30/7/21 to
2020-21 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima online training on the IEEE Xplore  Digital Library Syed ammal Engg. College ramanahapuram. 27/10/21
2020-21 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima Three days online workshop on Research issues in Nano
Antennas for wireless communications
Mepco Schlenk Engg. College, Sivakasi 17/02/21 to 19/2/21
2020-21 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima CSIR sponsored two days national level online seminar
Modern Techniques in biosensors for environmental and
clinical analysis
Siddharth institute of engg&Technology 18/02/21 to 19/2/21
2020-21 Dr. S.M.H. Sithi Shameem Fathima AICTE-ATAL online training
program on Cyber security
National Power Training Institute,
21/2/2021 to
2020-21 Dr. S. Murugeswari Webinar on  Current Wireless technology and an Awareness on Adverse Effects Indra Ganesan College of Engineering 01.07.2020
2020-21 Dr. S. Murugeswari Five days FDP on Advancements in communication Engineering Technologies with Simulation Tools, Vishnu Institute of Technology, 1.07.2020-5.07.2020
2020-21 Dr. S. Murugeswari One day National Webinar on “INDUSTRIAL IoT-4.0 and
Advanced Technologies”
Sanketika Vidya Parishad
Engineering College,Visakhapatnam,
2020-21 Dr. S. Murugeswari One day International Webinar on “Signals and  Measurements in Communications” Easwari Engineering
2020-21 Dr. S. Murugeswari Two weeks online course on BioMEMS Saveetha Engineering College, 06.07.2020 to 17.07.2020
2020-21 Dr. S. Murugeswari One day International Webinar on “Convolutional Neural Network In Deep Learning” Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan
Engineering College, Perambalur, 15.07.2020
2020-21 Dr. S. Murugeswari Webinar on Demystifying 5G New Radio, KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, 15.07.2020
2020-21 Dr. S. Murugeswari Benefits of IEEE Membership, IEEE Madras Section, 19.07.2020
2020-21 Dr. S. Murugeswari Six days STTP on Soft Computing Technology in Engineering Applications, , Syed Ammal Engineering College 20.07.2020-25.07.2020
2020-21 Dr. S. Murugeswari Six days FDP on Disruptive Tecnologies in Electronics and Communication Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology (Autonomous) incollaboration with IETE Student Chapter. 22.07.2020-27.07.2020
2020-21 Dr. S. Murugeswari One Day Webinar on “Arduino Hardware And Programming” Sethu Institute of Technology, Kariapatti, 30.07.2020
2020-21 Dr. S. Murugeswari STTP on EC8391: Control System Engineering, AMRITA college of engineering and technology, 06.08.2020 to
2020-21 Dr. S. Murugeswari One week international student development program on Learn python for a bright career GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam, AP, India, 07.09.2020 to
2020-21 Dr. S. Murugeswari AICTE Sponsored Six days short term training programme on Potentials Benefits of  RFID in Industrial,,Medical and  Domestic Sectors Syed Ammal Engineering College 23.11.2020-28.11.2020
2020-21 Mr. J. Sakubar Sadiq One Week Online Faculty Development Programme on JAVA Programming Syed Ammal Engineering
College, Ramanathapuram.
06.07.2020 to 11.07.2020
2020-21 Mr. J. Sakubar Sadiq AICTE sponsored, six days programme on “ Soft Computing Techniques in Engineering Syed Ammal Engineering
College, Ramanathapuram.
20.07.2020 to 25.07.2020
2020-21 Mrs. A. Valanarasi Distinctive Webinar Series  on ““Issues
And Challenges in Advanced Electronics And Communication And Technology”
Syed Ammal Engineering college, Ramanathapuram. July 6th -8th , 10th
2020-21 Mrs. A. Valanarasi AICTE Sponsored Six Days
Short Term Training Programme on “Soft Computing Techniques in Engineering
Syed Ammal Engineering college, Ramanathapuram. July 20th -27th
2020-21 Mrs. A. Valanarasi AICTE Sponsored Six Days Short Term Training Programme on “Antenna Design and Analysis using Mathematical Solvers” Aditya Institute of Tech and Management July 27th
2020-21 Mrs. A. Valanarasi AICTE Sponsored Six Days Short Term Training Programme on “Antenna Design and Analysis using Mathematical Solvers” Syed Ammal Engineering college, Ramanathapuram. Nov 23rd to  Nov 28th 2020
2020-21 Mrs. A. Valanarasi AICTE Sponsored STTP on Artificial Intelligence and Deep learning for Computational biology Department of Computer Science and Engineering, PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, DIndigul, TN. 01 February 2021 to 06 February 2021
2020-21 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn IEEE Sponsored One day webinar on “Current Wireless Technology And An Awareness On Adverse Effects Indra Ganesan College of Engineering, Trichirappalli 1.07.2020
2020-21 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn One day National Webinar on “INDUSTRIAL IoT-4.0 and Advanced Technologies” Sanketika Vidya Parishad Engineering College,Visakhapatnam 04.07.2020
2020-21 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn One day International Webinar on “Signals And Measurements in Communications” Easwari Engineering College,Chennai 04.07.2020
2020-21 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn Five days  international online FDP on “Advancement In Communication Engineering Technologies With Simulation Tools” Vishnu Institute of Technology , Bhimavarm , Andhra Pradesh 01.07.2020 – 05.07.2020
2020-21 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn One day International Webinar on “Convolutional Neural Network In Deep Learning” Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College, Perambalur 15.07.2020
2020-21 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn One Day Webinar on “Demystifying 5G New Radio” KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore 15.07.2020
2020-21 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn AICTE Sponsored Six Days
Short Term Training Programme on “Soft Computing Techniques in Engineering Applications”
Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 20.07.2020 – 25.07.2020
2020-21 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn One Day Webinar on “Arduino Hardware And Programming” Sethu Institute of Technology, Kariapatti 30.07.2020
2020-21 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn One Week International Student Development Program on “’ Learn Python for a Bright Career” GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam, AP 07.09.2020-15.09.2020
2020-21 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn Online Webinar on titled “Recent Trends in Energy Storage” SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore 18.11.2020
2020-21 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn AICTE Sponsored Six Days Short Term Training Programme on “Potential Benefits of RFID in Industrial, Medical and
Domestic Sectors” (phase- I)
Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 23.11.2020 - 28.11.2020.
2020-21 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn AICTE Sponsored Phase III  Six Days Short Term Training Programme on “Machine Learning Approaches for Advanced Industrial Automation” Hindustan Institute of Technolgy and Science - Chennau 04.01.2021-
2020-21 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn One day Webinar on “Awareness on NBA” Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 17.04.2021
2020-21 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn One day online training on “Value of IEEE Publications in Research and Career Devlopment” Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram 23.04.2021
2020-21 Mr. S. Praveen Samuel Washburn One day Webinar on “Applications of MATLAB” Mohamed Sathak Engineering College, Kilakarai 27.04.2021
2020-21 Mrs. N. Karthika Devi Webinar on Recent trends in Artificial Intelligence Sri Ramakrishna institute of technology 16.06.2020
2020-21 Mrs. N. Karthika Devi Webinar on Medical Applications of Digital Image Processing Technologies Syed Ammal Engineering College 17.06.2020
2020-21 Mrs. N. Karthika Devi Webinar on Launching a Nanosatellite GMR Institute of technology 18.06.2020
2020-21 Mrs. N. Karthika Devi Webinar on Calculus: origin,basic concepts and applications in real life Chennai institute of technology 19.06.2020
2020-21 Mrs. N. Karthika Devi Webinar on Getting started with docker and amazon web services hands on training Pallavi Engineering College 20.06.2020
2020-21 Mrs. N. Karthika Devi Webinar on Electronic waste- emerging thread to the society Syed Ammal Engineering College 26.06.2020
2020-21 Mrs. N. Karthika Devi STTP on Recent trends in Data Science and Information Security Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology 22.06.2020 to 26.06.2020
2020-21 Mrs. N. Karthika Devi Webinar on Career in Embedded Systems – An overview Easwari Engineering College 29.06.2020
2020-21 Mrs. N. Karthika Devi National webinar on Industrial IOT – 4.0 and Advanced Technologies Sanketika Vidya Parishad Engineering College 04.07.2020
2020-21 Mrs. N. Karthika Devi Two weeks online course on MEMS Saveetha Engineering College 22.06.2020 to 03.07.2020
2020-21 Mrs. N. Karthika Devi Webinar on signals and measurement in communication Easwari Engineering College 04.07.2020
2020-21 Mrs. N. Karthika Devi Webinar on Technologies behind social media advertising Syed Ammal Engineering College 03.07.2020
2020-21 Mrs. N. Karthika Devi Webinar on Learn form recognizer API with logic APP SNS college of technology 13.07.2020
2020-21 Mrs. N. Karthika Devi Two weeks online course on BioMEMS Saveetha Engineering College 06.07.2020 to 17.07.2020
2020-21 Mrs. N. Karthika Devi Benefits of IEEE Membership IEEE Madras Section 19.07.2020
2020-21 Mrs. N. Karthika Devi STTP on EC8391: Control System Engineering AMRITA college of engineering and technology 06.08.2020 to 12.08.2020
2020-21 Mrs. N. Karthika Devi Online Live FDP on Creative Thinking ICT Academy 16.03.2021 to 20.03. 2021
2020-21 Mrs. N. Karthika Devi Webinar on ‘‘Awareness of NBA Syed Ammal Engineering College 17.04.2021
2021-22 Mrs. N. Karthika Devi FDP on Internet of Things Electronics and ICT Academy 24.01.2022 to 30.01.2022
2021-22 Mrs. N. Karthika Devi FDP on Biomedical Instrumentation:
Innovation Design and Development
ATAL Academy 31/01/2022 to 04/02/2022
2021-22 Mrs. N. Karthika Devi FDP on Modern Techniques in Biosensors for Environmental and Clinical Analysis Siddharth Institute of Engineering & Technology 18.02.2022 to 19.02.2022